Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and The Role of UAE COP28 In Driving Global Sustainability Efforts

This module will delve into the critical aspects of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the pivotal role that the UAE COP28 will play in advancing global sustainability efforts. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into the significance of SDGs in promoting a sustainable future and understand how international initiatives like COP28 contribute to this global mission. The module will empower students to participate actively in the journey towards global sustainability through engaging discussions and real-world examples.


Main Themes:

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Understanding the 17 SDGs and their interconnectivity to address global challenges comprehensively.

UAE COP28: Exploring the objectives, strategies, and global impact of COP28 in advancing sustainable practices.

Secondary Themes:

International Collaboration: Examining how nations come together to tackle environmental and sustainability issues through initiatives like COP28.

Skills You Will Gain

Upon completing this module, participants will develop the following skills:

Knowledge of SDGs: A deep understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance to global sustainability.

Global Perspective: Insight into the role of international summits like COP28 in shaping global sustainability policies. 

Critical Analysis: The ability to analyze and synthesize information to comprehend the interconnectedness of sustainability issues.

Future Planning: Formulating actionable plans to contribute to sustainability efforts in their daily lives.

Module Delivery

This module will be delivered through an interactive virtual session conducted by Professor Sherine Farouk. Participants will be able to engage in discussions, ask questions, and explore real-world case studies related to SDGs and COP28.

Structure of the Module Report
SectionWhat it might contain
Identifies and introduces your experience or learning

This module delves into the insights and knowledge gained from the module on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role played by UAE COP28 in advancing global sustainability. This educational journey has been transformative, expanding perspectives on the significance of international initiatives and sustainable goals in shaping our world.

Highlights why it was important

The importance of this module cannot be overstated. It has elevated awareness of global sustainability issues and provided the tools and motivation to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Main body
Explore Experiences:

COP28 - A Catalyst for Inclusive Climate Action: Analyzing the historical and contemporary significance of COP28 is pivotal for understanding global sustainability efforts.

COP28, or the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), represents a crucial milestone in the global effort to combat climate change. COP conferences date back to 1995, when the first COP was convened. These conferences have served as platforms for nations to come together and address the pressing issue of climate change.

In our exploration of the UAE's endeavors in sustainability, we find a nation deeply committed to global progress.

SDG Integration: The UAE has made significant strides in achieving and improving its score in various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Notably, it has excelled in SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). High school and undergraduate students will explore how the UAE's efforts align with these global goals.

Analyze and Synthesize:

First Economy-Wide Emission Reduction: The UAE's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is a testament to its proactive approach to climate action. Students will analyze the specifics of this commitment, highlighting the UAE's role in pushing for ambitious climate targets.

Multilateral Cooperation: The UAE's track record in progressive climate action and multilateral cooperation is vital to the COP28 narrative. Students will explore how the UAE's experience and commitment contribute to broader international collaboration on sustainability.

State or restate your learning

In conclusion, this module has been a valuable learning experience reshaping perspectives on global sustainability. It has provided a comprehensive understanding of SDGs and their interplay and the vital role of initiatives like UAE COP28 in propelling international sustainability endeavors.

The key takeaway is the recognition that the challenges we face are intricate and multifaceted, but collective action and individual commitment hold the potential for meaningful change. The significance of SDGs in guiding our path toward a sustainable future cannot be emphasized enough, reinforcing the determination to contribute to these goals in personal and professional capacities.

Plan for the future

Looking ahead, there is a clear intention to integrate sustainability practices into daily life. This includes active participation in recycling programs, conscious water and energy consumption reduction, and advocacy for community sustainability. Staying well-informed about global sustainability initiatives and offering active support towards achieving the SDGs are integral to future endeavors.

Answer the question or prompt (if applicable)



Lead and Moderator

Prof. Sherine Farouk

Associate Provost for Academic Projects Professor of Accounting, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Read Bio
Industry Speaker

Dr. Maya Rmeity

Inclusion & Diversity Advisor
Co-Founder of Impactiv

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