School counsellors serve a vital role in maximizing student achievement, supporting a safe learning environment, and addressing the needs of all students through prevention and intervention programs that are part of a comprehensive school counselling program for academic, career/college, and social-emotional supports.
The current course is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to effectively provide counselling and develop school counselling programs in Schools. Certificate candidates will acquire a working knowledge of career, academic, and social-emotional counselling specifically focused on counsellors wanting to and working in international schools.
Professional Development Certificate for School Counselors

Dr. Nafees Sultana
Ethical Considerations in the Counselling process
Senior Counselor, Higher Colleges of Technology

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of Special Education, CAS, Abu Dhabi University

Ms. Rema Menon
Counselling young minds towards future careers
Director of Counselling Point Training and Development

More details coming soon
More details coming soon