

Here's how your friendly Librarians at Abu Dhabi University Library can help you with your courses of instruction.

How Can A Librarian Help My Students Improve Their Research?

Learn how to learn

Librarians know how to organize and use information resources, but more importantly, we are professionals at educating users about effective research.

Pursue research further

The skills and knowledge students need to conduct research are vital not only to the pursuit of academic questions, but also to actively contributing to their culture and society. And as such, librarians are a vital part of ensuring ADU students can become global citizens, as well as succeed in your courses.


Use scholarly information

In our information-saturated culture, students are often overwhelmed when beginning a college-level research project. Searching the web is ‘easy’ to students who are unsure how to navigate the scholarly literature. Class time with a subject specialist librarian and the course instructor can be a dynamic learning opportunity for students to begin their research. In such a setting, course instructors can know that students have started on their projects using good strategies and quality resources. Librarians also produce web-based, course-specific and subject area research guides to complement in-class instruction and facilitate student research.

Course reserves

Take on plagiarism

Working with a librarian to develop a unique research assignment is, in our view, the most proactive way to stymie student efforts to plagiarize. Librarians see first-hand how students struggle with navigating not only the realm of academic information, but the information culture. Research has shown that many instances of student plagiarism stem from students not understanding what plagiarism is, why it is "bad," and how to avoid it. Collaborating with a librarian to educate your students about this issue ensures that students are armed with the necessary information to make the right choices.

What expertise does a librarian have?

The majority of the librarians at ADU have a Master’s in Library and Information Science or another field. This terminal degree ensures that librarians are experts in a breadth of information organization and retrieval. We are experts in educating users to identify, find, and use the best information resources for your field.

Each instruction librarian is also a subject specialist and brings unique knowledge to their instruction, development of library collections, and assistance to students, faculty, and staff. We know our subject areas from the information creation and use perspective. For example, the Business Librarian’s knowledge of the intricacies of navigating ProQuest Business Databases helps Business students. Similarly, our Science and Engineering Librarian’s knowledge of Science Direct is vital to helping Science and Engineering student track down needed articles.

With sufficient lead time, librarians can provide instruction lectures, workshops and written materials geared specifically to your course and assignment. For more information about classroom instruction, please contact Omar Abbas (

Get in touch

+971 2 5015773