Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • The moderated mediation of behavioral intention on knowledge management systems

    International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development

    2021 Akour I., Obayssi A., Albaity M., Zeidan Y. Article
  • Measuring school leaders' adaptability in the UAE: development of a scale to measure leadership adaptability

    Evidence-based HRM

    2021 Aldhaheri A. Article
  • Higher education and financial crisis: A systematic literature review and future research agenda

    International Journal of Knowledge and Learning

    2021 Nobanee H., Dilshad M.N. Review
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Superhydrophobic Cellulose Derivative Targeted for Eco-Friendly Packaging Material

    Macromolecular Theory and Simulations

    2021 Fernandes S.Q., Madhuranthakam C.M.R. Article
  • Local two-atom correlations induced by a two-mode cavity under nonlinear media: Quantum uncertainty and quantum Fisher information

    Results in Physics

    2021 Mohamed A.-B.A., Khalil E.M., Metwally N., Eleuch H. Article
  • Energy Diversification and Economic Development in Emergent Countries: Evidence From Fourier Function-Driven Bootstrap Panel Causality Test

    Frontiers in Energy Research

    2021 Yilanci V., Haouas I., Ozgur O., Sarkodie S.A. Article
  • Shunt resistance spatial variations in amorphous silicon solar cells

    Microelectronics Journal

    2021 Etier I., Tarabsheh A.A., Kannan N. Article
  • Nonlocal Mechanics in the Framework of the General Nonlocal Theory

    Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering

    2021 Shaat M., Ghavanloo E. Book Chapter
  • Estimating rheological properties of superplasticized cement paste at high temperature and prolonged mixing using various rheological models and oscillatory rheology

    ACI Materials Journal

    2021 Martini S.A., Khartabil A., Nehdi M.L. Article
  • Wigner function non-classicality induced in a charge qubit interacting with a dissipative field cavity


    2021 Mohamed A.-B.A., Khalil E.M., Al-Rezami A.Y., Eleuch H. Article