Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • The relationship between organizational attitude and lean practices: an organizational sense-making perspective

    Industrial Management and Data Systems

    2020 Malik, M., Abdallah, S. Article
  • Cardiovascular and Quality of Life Outcomes of a 3-Month Physical Exercise Program in Two Brazilian Communities

    Frontiers in Medicine

    2020 Pereira de Lima, M., Conopca, S., Miyabara, R., Romeiro, G., Campos, L.A., Baltatu, O.C. Article
  • Hybrid continuum-molecular modeling of fluid slip flow

    Physics of Fluids

    2020 Shaat, M. Article
  • The impact of managerial empowerment on problem solving and decision making skills: The case of Abu Dhabi University

    Management Science Letters

    2020 Lassoued, K., Awad, A., Guirat, R.B. Article
  • Where are Islamic finance indices pointing towards?: Lessons from experimental ‘pockets’ of Islamic financial regulation on international stock markets

    Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance

    2020 El Maknouzi, M.E.H., Jadalhaq, I.M. Article
  • Quasi-probability husimi-distribution information and squeezing in a qubit system interacting with a two-mode parametric amplifier cavity


    2020 Khalil, E.M., Mohamed, A.-B.A., Obada, A.-S.F., Eleuch, H. Article
  • Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    2020 Singh, S.K., Giudice, M.D., Chierici, R., Graziano, D. Article
  • Risk analysis and management

    Pollution Assessment for Sustainable Practices in Applied Sciences and Engineering

    2020 Paleologos, E.K., Mohamed, A.-M.O. Book Chapter
  • Vaccine hesitancy and its determinants among Arab parents: a cross-sectional survey in the United Arab Emirates

    Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics

    2020 Alsuwaidi, A.R., Elbarazi, I., Al-Hamad, S., Aldhaheri, R., Sheek-Hussein, M., Narchi, H. Article
  • On postbuckling mode distortion and inversion of nanostructures due to surface roughness

    International Journal of Solids and Structures

    2020 Shaat, M., Emam, S., Faroughi, S., Javed, U. Article