Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Medical image segmentation approach that uses level sets with statistical shape priors

    Level Set Method in Medical Imaging Segmentation

    2019 ElTanboly A., Ghazal M., Hajjdiab H., Mahmoud A., Shalaby A., Suri J.S., Keynton R., El-Baz A. Book Chapter
  • Interaction between two two-level atoms coupled to N-level quantum system

    Optical and Quantum Electronics

    2019 Obada A.-S.F., Al Naim A.F., Khalil E.M., Abdel-Khalek S., Eleuch H. Article
  • Generation and robustness of bipartite non-classical correlations in two nonlinear microcavities coupled by an optical fiber

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics

    2019 Mohamed A.-B.A., Eleuch H. Article
  • Barriers in post-merger integration in the real estate development companies in the United Arab Emirates: An AHP approach [Bariery integracji po fuzji w rozwoju firm deweloperskich w zjednoczonych emiratach arabskich: Podejście AHP]

    Polish Journal of Management Studies

    2019 Al Hosani Y., Jabeen F. Article
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based Framework for Autism Diagnosis

    International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering, ICABME

    2019 Haweel R., Barnes G., El-Baz A., Dekhil O., Shalaby A., Mahmoud A., Ghazal M., Khalil A., Ghoniemy S., Keynton R., Elmaghraby A. Conference Paper
  • Abu Dhabi's Downtown Area, An Examination of Modernist Applications of the international style; Superblocks in a Modern Arab City, Improving Visibility and Social Space

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    2019 Amrousi M.E., Elhakeem M. Conference Paper
  • Sustainability function deployment: A system-level design-for-sustainability

    SysCon 2019 - 13th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, Proceedings

    2019 Al-Aomar R. Conference Paper
  • Optimization of Robust Model Predictive Controllers for Second-Order Biological Processes Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques

    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research

    2019 Khan O., Madhuranthakam C.M.R. Article
  • Assessment of lean-green practices on the sustainable performance of hotel supply chains

    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

    2019 Hussain M., Al-Aomar R., Melhem H. Article
  • Effect of dissipation and dipole-dipole interplay on Hilbert-Schmidt distance and Bell's inequality correlations of two qubits interacting with two-mode cavity field

    Physica Scripta

    2019 Mohamed A.-B.A., Eleuch H. Article