Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Impact of leader–member exchange and perceived organisational support on turnover intention: The mediating effects of psychological stress


    2019 AlHashmi M., Jabeen F., Papastathopoulos A. Article
  • International Museums and Transcultural Impact on Gulf States: The Louvre Abu Dhabi as a Case Study

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    2019 El Amrousi M., Elhakeem M., Paleologos E. Conference Paper
  • Perceived uncertainty and use of environmental information in decision making: The case of the United Arab Emirates

    International Journal of Organizational Analysis

    2019 Abu-Rahma A., Jaleel B. Article
  • Literature survey and a universal evaporation correlation for plate type heat exchangers [Étude bibliographique et corrélation universelle de l’évaporation pour les échangeurs de chaleur à plaques]

    International Journal of Refrigeration

    2019 Ayub Z.H., Khan T.S., Salam S., Nawaz K., Ayub A.H., Khan M.S. Article
  • Sub-Poissonian photon squeezing and entanglement in optical chain second harmonic generation

    Journal of Modern Optics

    2019 Julius R., Ibrahim A.-B.M.A., Eleuch H., Choudhury P.K. Article
  • Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Detection of Acute Renal Transplant Rejection Using Diffusion-Weighted MRI

    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

    2019 Shehata M., Khalifa F., Soliman A., Ghazal M., Taher F., El-Ghar M.A., Dwyer A.C., Gimel'Farb G., Keynton R.S., El-Baz A. Article
  • Financialisation, institutions and financing constraints in developing countries

    Cambridge Journal of Economics

    2019 Mertzanis C. Article
  • Quantum Noise and Squeezed Light by Dipolaritons in the Nonlinear Regime

    Annalen der Physik

    2019 Jabri H., Eleuch H. Article
  • Growth of Cu 2 InO 4 thin films on Si substrate by thermal evaporation technique and enhancement of thermoelectric properties by post-growth annealing

    Physica B: Condensed Matter

    2019 Jacob J., Wahid R., Ali A., Zahra R., Ikram S., Amin N., Ashfa A., Rehman U., Hussain S., Al-Othmany D.S., Ilyas S.Z., Mahmood K. Article
  • A CNN-Based Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation Using MRI

    International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering, ICABME

    2019 Hammouda K., Elmaghraby A., Keynton R., El-Baz A., Khalifa F., Soliman A., Ghazal M., El-Ghar M.A., Haddad A., Elmogy M., Darwish H.E., Khalil A. Conference Paper