Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Role of big data analytics in developing sustainable capabilities

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2019 Singh S.K., El-Kassar A.-N. Article
  • Soil aquifer treatment system design equation for organic micropollutant removal

    Handbook of Environmental Chemistry

    2019 Abdel Sattar A.M., Bonakdari H., Negm A., Gharabaghi B., Elhakeem M. Book Chapter
  • Organizational ambidexterity through global strategic partnerships: A cognitive computing perspective

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    2019 Kaur S., Gupta S., Singh S.K., Perano M. Article
  • The differences in agent effects on sustainable supply chain management: an activity theory construction

    Supply Chain Management

    2019 Malik M., Abdallah S., Orr S., Chaudhary U. Article
  • Teaching style differences between male and female science teachers in qatari schools: Possible impact on student achievement

    Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

    2019 El-Emadi A.A., Said Z., Friesen H.L. Article
  • Deep Learning Based Method for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy

    IST 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

    2019 Dekhil O., Naglah A., Shaban M., Ghazal M., Taher F., Elbaz A. Conference Paper
  • One dimensional localization for arbitrary disorder correlations

    European Physical Journal B

    2019 Eleuch H., Hilke M. Article
  • Sustainability initiatives in emerging economies: A socio-cultural perspective

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2019 Malik M., Abdallah S. Article
  • The impact of teachers’ characteristics on their self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a perspective from teachers engaging students with disabilities

    Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs

    2019 Shaukat S., Vishnumolakala V.R., Al Bustami G. Article
  • An Accurate System for Prostate Cancer Localization from Diffusion-Weighted MRI

    IST 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

    2019 Abdelmaksoud I.R., Ghazal M., Shalaby A., Elmogy M., Aboulfotouh A., El-Ghar M.A., Keynton R., El-Baz A. Conference Paper