Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Transformers for autonomous recognition of psychiatric dysfunction via raw and imbalanced EEG signals

    Brain Informatics

    2023 Gour N., Hassan T., Owais M., Ganapathi I.I., Khanna P., Seghier M.L., Werghi N. Article

    Corporate and Business Strategy Review

    2023 Alsakarneh, A., Al-Gharaibeh, S.M., Allozi, A., Shatnawi, H.A., Alhyasat, W.B.A.K., Alkasawneh, M.W.A., Eneizan, B. Article
  • Improving the Resume Verification Process of Financial Professionals Using Blockchain Smart Contracts

    AIP Conference Proceedings

    2023 Khelifi A., Khalil A.D., Ehtesham H. Conference Paper
  • Do demographic factors affect the environment? Empirical evidence from the Middle East and North African countries

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research

    2023 Haouas I., Haseeb M., Azam M., Rehman Z.U. Conference Paper
  • AI-Powered Smart Book: Enhancing Arabic Education in Palestine with Augmented Reality

    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

    2023 Al Rajab M., Odeh S., Hazboun S., Alheeh E. Conference Paper
  • Linking paradoxical leadership and individual in-role and extra-role performance: a multilevel examination

    Management Decision

    2023 Kundi Y.M., Aboramadan M., Abualigah A. Article
  • Elucidating the effect of information technology capabilities on organizational performance in UAE: a three-wave moderated-mediation model

    International Journal of Emerging Markets

    2023 Alkatheeri H.B., Jabeen F., Mehmood K., Santoro G. Article
  • Ultra Wideband Highly Efficient Cross Polarization Conversion Metasurface for Multi-Band Applications

    2023 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences, ASET 2023

    2023 Osman, M., Yousaf, J., Almajali, E., Hussein, M.I., Alja'afreh, S.S., Altaf, A., Elahi, M. Conference Paper
  • Family firms’ characteristics and consumer behaviour: An enquiry into millennials’ purchase intention in the online channel

    Journal of Business Research

    2023 Bargoni, A., Kliestik, T., Jabeen, F., Santoro, G. Article
  • Statin Therapy Induces Gut Leakage and Neuromuscular Disjunction in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

    Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology

    2023 Ahmad F., Karim A., Khan J., Qaisar R. Article