Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • The mediator and moderator roles of perceived cost on the relationship between organizational readiness and the intention to adopt blockchain technology

    Technology in Society

    2022 Salim T.A., El Barachi M., Mohamed A.A.D., Halstead S., Babreak N. Article
  • Aflatoxin B1 in Rice: Effects of Storage Duration, Grain Type and Size, Production Site, and Season

    Journal of Food Protection

    2022 Hassan H.F., Kordahi R., Dimassi H., El Khoury A., Daou R., Alwan N., Merhi S., Haddad J., Karam L. Article
  • Examining the nexus between oil price, COVID-19, uncertainty index, and stock price of electronic sports: fresh insights from the nonlinear approach

    Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja

    2022 Wang J., Umar M., Afshan S., Haouas I. Article
  • Halogen Doping to Control the Band Gap of Ascorbic Acid: A Theoretical Study

    ACS Omega

    2022 Nasidi I.I., Kaygili O., Majid A., Bulut N., Alkhedher M., Eldin S.M. Article
  • Impact of corporate governance on corporate social responsibility disclosure of the UAE listed banks

    Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

    2022 Al Maeeni F., Ellili N.O.D., Nobanee H. Article
  • A Comprehensive Non-invasive System for Early Grading of Gliomas

    Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition

    2022 Alksas A., Shehata M., Atef H., Sherif F., Yaghi M., Alhalabi M., Ghazal M., El Serougy L., El-Baz A. Conference Paper
  • A Variety of New Explicit Analytical Soliton Solutions of q-Deformed Sinh-Gordon in (2+1) Dimensions


    2022 Alrebdi H.I., Raza N., Arshed S., Butt A.R., Abdel-Aty A.-H., Cesarano C., Eleuch H. Article
  • Eighteen-Element Antenna for Metal-Rimmed Smartphone Sub-6 GHz LTE42 Band Applications

    Computers, Materials and Continua

    2022 Alja’Afreh S.S., Alshamaileh M.H., Almajali E., Yousaf J., Altaf A. Article
  • Are timber and water investments safe-havens? A volatility spillover approach and portfolio hedging strategies for investors

    Finance Research Letters

    2022 Samitas A., Papathanasiou S., Koutsokostas D., Kampouris E. Article
  • Artificial intelligence and bank credit analysis: A review

    Cogent Economics and Finance

    2022 Sadok H., Sakka F., El Maknouzi M.E.H. Article