Institutional Review Board

Highest standards of research and innovation

Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research

The Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research (IRB) provides a mechanism to protect individuals involved as subjects in research conducted under the auspices of the University, in line with ADU’s ethical and legal responsibilities. The IRB must review any research conducted at, supported by, or affiliated with Abu Dhabi University involving human subjects before the initiation of the study. The aim is to ensure that the rights of the human subjects are not violated in any way, either physically or emotionally. Based on the potential level of risk for human subjects, research projects may be exempt from review, expedited, or be subjected to a full review as detailed in the Board’s policy and guidelines.

The IRB includes a representative of each College and program, in addition to an ethicist, a science representative, a non-science representative, and the Director of Research as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

The review process is based on the Board’s mandating policy and guidelines, using the concept of minimal risk to decide the extent to which the subject’s interests warrant a formal and extensive review of the research proposal.

Principles constitute the basis for the review process

The following three principles constitute the basis for the review process.

The subjects must give their free and informed consent to participate in the research.

Researchers must protect subject confidentiality.

Potential risks to subjects must be balanced by the potential benefits of the research and must be fully disclosed to the subjects.

Are Human Subjects Involved?

A human subject is a living individual about whom a researcher obtains data through intervention or interaction with the individual or identifiable private information.

If the project does not meet the definition of research or does not include human subjects, then it does not require IRB review.

If you are uncertain whether your project is research, please contact for advice.

IRB - Exempt Application


IRB - Expedite Application


IRB - General Guidelines


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