Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Research, Innovation and Impact

Research, Innovation and Impact

Abu Dhabi University is committed to the highest standards of research and innovation. The promotion of nationally and internationally competitive research is a core strategic goal, supporting the United Arab Emirates in making a significant contribution in a globally competitive environment in line with Abu Dhabi’s 2030 Vision to support the development of the knowledge economy.

Exceptional education and critical research to meet the pressing challenges of today's world.

The drive to address topics relevant to national development, and to support researchers in the production of knowledge and research-based problem solving, is at the heart of our research activity.

We endeavour to conduct research that is:

  • Meaningful to the individual academic.
  • Responsible and responsive to the needs of society.
  • Creative, innovative, and academically-rigorous. ADU rewards risk-taking in the pursuit of excellence and offers the infrastructure to support this.

Leading with Integrity and Innovation

ADU's Vision, Mission, Strategic Objectives, and Core Values for a future of innovation and impact.
Vision and Mission

Vision: To be an exemplary University with a culture of creativity and enquiry that drives all that we do and benefits our faculty, students and broader society.

Mission: Our faculty and students engage in research that enriches the teaching and learning experience and invest in our academic community to support research excellence and the delivery of an enquiry-based curriculum.

Strategic Objectives
  • Impact on knowledge creation: Importantly, we contribute to developments in economy and society through the transfer of knowledge, and with our outstanding students, we discover creative and innovative solutions to real problems through research partnerships and consultancy.
  • Impact on economy and society: ADU’s students and faculty, supported by staff, form a single community of scholars in pursuit of knowledge. Our focus on top-tier research publications and internationally renowned research partnerships creates impactful new knowledge and innovation in the UAE and beyond.
  • Impact on teaching and learning: ADU ensures that teaching and student outcomes benefit from research and knowledge creation within disciplines. Fundamental to faculty and student development, our research advances knowledge in our disciplines and areas of strategic priority, through delivery of enquiry-based curricula, and in pedagogy and student assessment.
Our Values
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in all that we do.
  • Excellence: We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of performance.
  • Innovation: We inspire creativity, encouraging innovation to enhance our teaching, student outcomes, research, and global relevance.
  • Diversity: We celebrate and respect our diversity and build lasting relationships to achieve our shared ambitions.

Strategic Goals

In achieving its mission, the ORSP provides, nurtures, and supports the research activities of Abu Dhabi University faculty and students. This includes assistance with grant proposal development, submission, and follow-up, as well as a commitment to the integration of research into teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Build and Enhance

Build and enhance the applied research capacity of ADU in selected strategic areas.

Research Infrastructure

Provide a research infrastructure that is responsive to the needs of scholars and students.

Corporate and Government

Partner with prominent corporate and government agencies in the UAE and the region to target external funding.

Scientific Scholars

Develop and foster a network of local and international scientific scholars and attract the best scholars from around the world.

Integrate Research

Integrate research and teaching and develop new activities that enrich the student experience.

Maximize Opportunities

Transfer and disseminate knowledge to the communities Abu Dhabi University serves and maximize opportunities for commercialization.

We collaborates with global universities