Research Institute for AI & Emerging Technologies

Achieving the United Nation’s sustainable development goals

A world-class intellectual institute for Artificial Intelligence and advanced technologies, producing impactful research and excelling in technology transfer

The goals of the Institute

The RISF seeks to develop inter-disciplinary research programs to tackle complex problems from multiple perspectives.

The overarching goals of the Institute are:

  • Global Collaboration Catalyst

    To mobilize ADU faculty and our international networks to support the formation of global interdisciplinary research teams.

  • Sustainability Exchange Hub

    To be a conduit for knowledge sharing and technology transfer on sustainability activities in the UAE.

  • Bridging Boundaries

    To connect UAE sustainability organizations with the international policy and research agendas of strategic importance.

  • Bridging Sustainable Impact

    To facilitate the transfer of sustainability impact within the UAE and to developing nations.

  • Empowering Policy

    To support policy formulation and implementation within the UAE.

  • Sustainable Horizons

    To develop research themes and undertake research projects that contribute to sustainability.

We collaborates with global universities