Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Development and Validation of the Soft Skills Questionnaire for Nurses

    SAGE Open Nursing

    2023 Aridi M., Ahmad M., Ghach W., Charifeh S., Alwan N. Article
  • Effects of different fat replacers on functional and rheological properties of low-fat mozzarella cheeses: A review

    Trends in Food Science and Technology

    2023 Akhtar, A., Nasim, I., Din, M.S.U., Araki, T., Khalid, N. Review
  • Modeling of Inert Gas Sensors using first Principles Methods

    IEEE Sensors Journal

    2023 Majid, A., Khadim, B., Alkhedher, M., Haider, S., Akhtard, M.S. Article
  • How did major global asset classes respond to Silicon Valley Bank failure?

    Finance Research Letters

    2023 Azmi, W., Anwer, Z., Azmi, S.N., Nobanee, H. Article
  • Effect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management on Organizational Performance in the Context of the Egyptian Textile Industry

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2023 Attia A. Article
  • Scale-adaptive model for detection and grading of age-related macular degeneration from color retinal fundus images

    Scientific Reports

    2023 El-Den, N.N., Naglah, A., Elsharkawy, M., Ghazal, M., Alghamdi, N.S., Sandhu, H., Mahdi, H., El-Baz, A. Article
  • A comprehensive study for the effect of sample geometry and lateral pressure on shear fractures using the short core in compression (SCC) method

    European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids

    2023 Alneasan M., Alzo'ubi A.K., Okasha N. Article
  • Is there any association between FinTech and sustainability? Evidence from bibliometric review and content analysis

    Journal of Financial Services Marketing

    2023 Ellili N.O.D. Article
  • Catalyzing resource recombination in higher education through potential building and value realizing capabilities

    Journal of Asia Business Studies

    2023 Muneeb, D., Aslam, H., Abdalla, S., Hayat, N., Ahmad, S.Z. Article
  • The Impact of Economic Complexity, Usage of Energy, Tourism, and Economic Growth on Carbon Emissions: Empirical Evidence of 102 Countries

    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

    2023 Arslan A., Qayyum A., Tabash M.I., Nair K., Ullah M.A., Daniel L.N. Article