Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A novel higher order appearance texture analysis to diagnose lung cancer based on a modified local ternary pattern

    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

    2023 Alksas, A., Shaffie, A., Ghazal, M., Taher, F., Khelifi, A., Yaghi, M., Soliman, A., Bogaert, E.V., El-Baz, A. Article
  • Prediction of Wilms’ Tumor Susceptibility to Preoperative Chemotherapy Using a Novel Computer-Aided Prediction System


    2023 Sharaby, I., Alksas, A., Nashat, A., Balaha, H.M., Shehata, M., Gayhart, M., Mahmoud, A., Ghazal, M., Khalil, A., Abouelkheir, R.T., Elmahdy, A., Abdelhalim, A., Mosbah, A., El-Baz, A. Article
  • Extreme risk dependence between green bonds and financial markets

    European Financial Management

    2023 Karim S., Lucey B.M., Naeem M.A., Yarovaya L. Article
  • Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity of Sustainable Concrete Having Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) and Recycled Aggregate (RCA) Using Needle Probe Test

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2023 Al Martini, S., Khartabil, A., Sabouni, R. Article
  • Cultural intelligence and proactive service performance: mediating and moderating role of leader's collaborative nature, cultural training and emotional labor

    Journal of Health Organization and Management

    2023 Al Shaer A.S., Jabeen F., Jose S., Farouk S. Article
  • The Impact of Hotel Service Encounters on Behavioral Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Hotel Star Rating

    Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism

    2023 El-Adly M.I., Jaleel B. Article
  • Co-creation of value in smart ecosystems: past trends and future directions in tourism literature

    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

    2023 Díaz, E., Esteban, Á., Koutra, C., Almeida, S., Carranza, R. Article
  • Impact of e-Human Resources Management on Public Safety with Mediating role of Occupational Health

    2nd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2023

    2023 Alhyasat K.M.K. Conference Paper
  • Vaccination gaps and resurgence of diphtheria in Nigeria: An outbreak simmering for a catastrophe

    New Microbes and New Infections

    2023 Raza A., Montenegro-Idrogo J.J., Rodriguez-Morales A.J., Haque S. Letter
  • Does technological progress make OECD countries greener? New evidence from panel CS-ARDL

    Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal

    2023 Nghiem, X.-H., Bakry, W., Al-Malkawi, H.-A.N., Farouk, S. Article