Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A bibliometric analysis of sustainability and risk management

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2021 Nobanee H., Hamadi F.Y.A., Abdulaziz F.A., Abukarsh L.S., Alqahtani A.F., Alsubaey S.K., Alqahtani S.M., Almansoori H.A. Review
  • What drives willingness to purchase and stated buying behavior toward organic food? A Stimulus–Organism–Behavior–Consequence (SOBC) perspective

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2021 Talwar S., Jabeen F., Tandon A., Sakashita M., Dhir A. Article
  • Green and Sustainable Life Insurance: A Bibliometric Review

    Journal of Risk and Financial Management

    2021 Nobanee H., Alqubaisi G.B., Alhameli A., Alqubaisi H., Alhammadi N., Almasahli S.A., Wazir N. Review
  • Tort law makes a quantum leap: a review of the civil liability regime for nuclear operators in UAE law

    Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law

    2021 Jadalhaq I.M., Alqodsi E.M. Article

    Journal of Governance and Regulation

    2021 Nobanee H., Shanti H.Z., Abukarsh L.S., Al Hamadi F.Y., Abdulaziz F., Alqahtani A.F., Alsubaey S.K., Almansoori H.A. Article
  • Effectiveness of pegylated interferon monotherapy in the treatment of chronic hepatitis D virus infection: A meta-analysis

    Antiviral Research

    2021 Abdrakhman A., Ashimkhanova A., Almawi W.Y. Article
  • Covisstance chatbot

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

    2021 Shaik F., Khalid A., Ismail H. Conference Paper
  • Smart Farming in Europe

    Computer Science Review

    2021 Moysiadis V., Sarigiannidis P., Vitsas V., Khelifi A. Review
  • Single nucleotide polymorphism of transforming growth factor-β1 and interleukin-6 as risk factors for ovarian cancer

    Central European Journal of Immunology

    2021 Ben Ahmed A., Zidi S., Almawi W., Ghazouani E., Mezlini A., Loueslati B.Y., Stayoussef M. Article
  • How types of organizational culture and technological capabilities contribute to organizational learning

    Management Research Review

    2021 Al Dari T., Jabeen F., Hussain M., Al Khawaja D. Article