Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Optimizing the structural, morphological and thermoelectric properties of zinc oxide by the modulation of cobalt doping concentration

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds

    2021 Ali H.T., Jacob J., Khalid M., Mahmood K., Yusuf M., Mehboob K., Ikram S., Ali A., Amin N., Ashar A. Article
  • Evaluating the Environmental Performance of 3D Printed Shelters in Jordan

    Journal of Construction in Developing Countries

    2021 Akeila M., Preece C., Kuok K.K.K. Article
  • Survey of Security Protocols and Vulnerabilities in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    IEEE Access

    2021 Shafique A., Mehmood A., Elhadef M. Article
  • Data Dissemination through Smart Traffic Lights for Accident Prevention

    2nd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference, IISEC 2021

    2021 Shahwani H., Chaudhry M.U., Yousaf J., Khan N.T. Conference Paper
  • Tripartite entropic uncertainty relation under phase decoherence

    Scientific Reports

    2021 Abdelghany R.A., Mohamed A.-B.A., Tammam M., Kuo W., Eleuch H. Article
  • Suicide bomb attack identification and analytics through data mining techniques

    Electronics (Switzerland)

    2021 Ferooz F., Hassan M.T., Awan M.J., Nobanee H., Kamal M., Yasin A., Zain A.M. Article

    32nd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2021

    2021 Lehmann O., El-Jabi R., Webster K., Rachdi A., Malik Z. Conference Paper
  • Efficient assessment of well-stirred operation of reverberation chamber using coupling transfer gain functions

    Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications

    2021 Yousaf J., Ghazal M., Lee H., Faisal M., Yang J.G., Nah W. Article
  • The role of diffusion tensor mr imaging (Dti) of the brain in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder: Promising results


    2021 Elnakieb Y., Ali M.T., Elnakib A., Shalaby A., Soliman A., Mahmoud A., Ghazal M., Barnes G.N., El-Baz A. Article
  • Artificial intelligence models for suspended river sediment prediction: state-of-the art, modeling framework appraisal, and proposed future research directions

    Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics

    2021 Tao H., Al-Khafaji Z.S., Qi C., Zounemat-Kermani M., Kisi O., Tiyasha T., Chau K.-W., Nourani V., Melesse A.M., Elhakeem M., Farooque A.A., Pouyan Nejadhashemi A., Khedher K.M., Alawi O.A., Deo R.C., Shahid S., Singh V.P., Yaseen Z.M. Review