Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge


    Architecture and Engineering

    2022 Kelly T. Article
  • The effect of e-payment and online shopping on sales growth: Evidence from banking industry

    International Journal of Data and Network Science

    2022 Alzoubi H.M., Alshurideh M.T., Kurdi B.A., Alhyasat K.M.K., Ghazal T.M. Article
  • An Automobile Smart Services System

    International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Energy Technologies, ICECET 2022

    2022 Khelifi A., Ebraheim A., Saeed M., Saif H., Salem F., Ehtesham H. Conference Paper
  • An overview of technologies deployed in GCC Countries to combat COVID-19

    Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences

    2022 Loucif S., Al-Rajab M., Salem R., Akkila N. Article
  • UK Vice Chancellor compensation: Do they get what they deserve?

    British Accounting Review

    2022 Lucey B., Urquhart A., Zhang H. Article
  • A CSR Perspective to Drive Employee Creativity in the Hospitality Sector: A Moderated Mediation Mechanism of Inclusive Leadership and Polychronicity

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2022 Shao J., Cherian J., Xu L., Zaheer M., Samad S., Comite U., Mester L., Badulescu D. Article
  • Global research on library service quality: a bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping

    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication

    2022 Ashiq M., Ur Rehman S., Muneeb D., Ahmad S. Article
  • MIIM-based optical log spiral rectenna for efficient IR energy harvesting

    Alexandria Engineering Journal

    2022 Yahyaoui A., Elsharabasy A., Yousaf J., Sedraoui K., Rmili H. Article
  • Impact of empowering leadership on safety behavior and safety climate: mediating and moderating role of safety monitoring

    Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology

    2022 AlShemeili H., Davidson R., Khalid K. Article
  • miR-126 Decreases Proliferation and Mammosphere Formation of MCF-7 and Predicts Prognosis of ER+ Breast Cancer


    2022 Msheik Z.S., Nassar F.J., Chamandi G., Itani A.R., Gadaleta E., Chalala C., Alwan N., Nasr R.R. Article