Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A D-Band Waveguide-SIW Transition for 6G Applications

    Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science

    2022 Altaf A., Elahi M., Abbas S.M., Yousaf J., Almajali E. Article
  • A New Method for Analysis of Customers' Online Review in Medical Tourism Using Fuzzy Logic and Text Mining Approaches

    International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making

    2022 Nilashi M., Samad S., Alghamdi A., Ismail M.Y., Alghamdi O.A., Mehmood S.S., Mohd S., Zogaan W.A., Alhargan A. Article
  • Plastic Waste Management through the Development of a Low Cost and Light Weight Deep Learning Based Reverse Vending Machine


    2022 Zia H., Jawaid M.U., Fatima H.S., Hassan I.U., Hussain A., Shahzad S., Khurram M. Article
  • Proposing Employee Level CSR as an Enabler for Economic Performance: The Role of Work Engagement and Quality of Work-Life

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2022 Bu X., Cherian J., Han H., Comite U., Hernández-Perlines F., Ariza-Montes A. Article
  • COVID-19 Infections in Gonads: Consequences on Fertility?

    Hormone and Metabolic Research

    2022 Bechmann N., Maccio U., Kotb R., Dweik R.A., Cherfane M., Moch H., Bornstein S.R., Varga Z. Review
  • Encrypting multiple images with an enhanced chaotic map

    IEEE Access

    2022 Singh L.D., Thingbaijam R., Singh K.M., Awida M.A. Article
  • Coupled Optical Solitons in Microwave-Assisted Plasmonic Graphene Waveguide

    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

    2022 Shaukat M.I., Qasymeh M., Eleuch H. Article
  • When a Balanced Life Leads to a Better Life: Reflections on Innovation, Health, and Wealth

    Cross-cultural Perspectives on Well-Being and Sustainability in Organizations

    2022 Sameer Y., Rostom N. Book Chapter
  • Secure Proctoring of Contactless Handwritten-Assessments with Insufficient Computing Resources using Smartphones

    Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, FiCloud 2022

    2022 Yaghi M., Farhan Z., Qamhieh L., Alhalabi M., Hammoudi M., Yaghi M., Ghazal M. Conference Paper
  • The Relationship Between Rail Transit and Industrial Agglomeration: Mediating Effect of Labor Agglomeration

    Frontiers in Environmental Science

    2022 Sun J., Cherian J., Deng D., Yucel A.G., Sial M.S., Fu Q., Cismas L.M. Article