Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Bang the gavel: animal experimentation on trial—an interdisciplinary mock trial at the school of health sciences

    Advances in Physiology Education

    2021 Ghimouz R., O’Sullivan S., Baltatu O.C., Campos L.A. Article
  • Using local materials to optimize the eco-design of a resilient urban environment in sustainable urban project process

    Civil Engineering and Architecture

    2021 Moudjari M., Marouf H., Muhamad H., Chaalal O., Mequignon M., Maherzi W., Benzerzour M. Article
  • Does tourism affect economic growth of china? A panel granger causality approach

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2021 Su Y., Cherian J., Sial M.S., Badulescu A., Thu P.A., Badulescu D., Samad S. Article
  • A novel technology to integrate imaging and clinical markers for non-invasive diagnosis of lung cancer

    Scientific Reports

    2021 Shaffie A., Soliman A., Fu X.-A., Nantz M., Giridharan G., van Berkel V., Khalifeh H.A., Ghazal M., Elmaghraby A., El-baz A. Article
  • Epidemiological susceptibility risk and tourist flows around the world

    Annals of Tourism Research

    2021 Mertzanis C., Papastathopoulos A. Article
  • Real-time ddos attack detection system using big data approach

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2021 Awan M.J., Farooq U., Babar H.M.A., Yasin A., Nobanee H., Hussain M., Hakeem O., Zain A.M. Article
  • Application of discrete event simulation for performance evaluation in private healthcare: The case of a radiology department

    International Journal of Healthcare Management

    2021 Shakoor M., Qureshi M.R., Jadayil W.A., Jaber N., Al-Nasra M. Article
  • Topic Mapping Approach To Automatic Classification Of Scientific Literature: A Study On Ecg Monitoring Systems

    International Journal of Computer Science and Applications

    2021 Ismail H., El Kassabi H.T., Serhani M.A. Article
  • Quantum fisher information and bures distance correlations of coupled two charge-qubits inside a coherent cavity with the intrinsic decoherence


    2021 Mohamed A.-B.A., Khalil E.M., Selim M.M., Eleuch H. Article
  • Inhibitors of talent retention in uae public healthcare

    International Journal of Business and Society

    2021 Mheiri S.A., Jabeen F., Abdallah S. Article