Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Sybil attacks in intelligent vehicular ad hoc networks: A review

    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

    2019 Muhamad A., Elhadef M. Conference Paper
  • Self-efficacy and workplace well-being: moderating role of sustainability practices


    2019 Singh S.K., Pradhan R.K., Panigrahy N.P., Jena L.K. Article
  • A review of alkali-activated slag as cement replacement

    Key Engineering Materials

    2019 Mohamed O.A., Mustafa M.M. Conference Paper
  • Effect of tin concentration on the structural, optical and thermoelectric properties of CZTS thin films gown by chemical solution method

    Ceramics International

    2019 Ali A., Jacob J., Ashfaq A., Mahmood K., Ahmad S., Rehman U., Ahmad W., Amin N., Ikram S., Hussain S., Ali N., Khan M.A. Article
  • Level sets-based image segmentation approach using statistical shape priors

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

    2019 Eltanboly A., Ghazal M., Hajjdiab H., Shalaby A., Switala A., Mahmoud A., Sahoo P., El-Azab M., El-Baz A. Article
  • Erratum: Perfect squeezing of terahertz light by two quantum wells using a squeezed vacuum reservoir (Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (2019) 36 (C1–C9) DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.36.0000C1)

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics

    2019 Jabri H., Eleuch H. Erratum
  • Spreading zoo animal diseases: Has Al Ain Zoo developed an effective program to deal with the threat?

    Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies

    2019 Al Badi F.M., Ahmad S.Z. Article
  • Enhancing the generated stable correlation in a dissipative system of two coupled qubits inside a coherent cavity via their dipole-dipole interplay


    2019 Mohamed A.-B.A., Hashem M., Eleuch H. Article
  • Modulation of thermoelectric properties of bulk ZnAlO by annealing in oxygen environment

    Physica B: Condensed Matter

    2019 Jacob J., Mahmood K., Usman M.Y., Rehman U., Ali A., Ashfaq A., Amin N., Ikram S., Hussain S. Article
  • Pursuing sustainable development with knowledge management in public sector

    VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems

    2019 Al Yami M., Ajmal M.M. Article