Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Using random-parameter and fixed-parameter ordered models to explore temporal stability in factors affecting drivers' injury severity in single-vehicle collisions

    Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)

    2019 Dabbour E., Haider M., Diaa E. Article
  • Correction to: The state of HRM in the Middle East: Challenges and future research agenda (Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (2019), 36, 4, (905-933), 10.1007/s10490-018-9587-7)

    Asia Pacific Journal of Management

    2019 Budhwar P., Pereira V., Mellahi K., Singh S.K. Erratum
  • Environmental service-learning in the United Arab Emirates: Is it mediated by the effects of biographical and demographical variables?

    Applied Environmental Education and Communication

    2019 Howari F., Qafisheh N., Nazzal Y. Article
  • Effect of strength properties on displacement magnitude and fracturing amount inside a large open pit prone to toppling

    Journal of GeoEngineering

    2019 Alzo'ubi A.K. Article
  • Predicting Loading–Unloading Pile Static Load Test Curves by Using Artificial Neural Networks

    Geotechnical and Geological Engineering

    2019 Alzo’ubi A.K., Ibrahim F. Article
  • Editorial introduction: Green Planning

    International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development

    2019 Gim T.-H.T., Meziani R., Son Y.-H. Editorial
  • Territoriality, task performance, and workplace deviance: Empirical evidence on role of knowledge hiding

    Journal of Business Research

    2019 Singh S.K. Article
  • Quantum states generation in multichannel directional coupler with second-order nonlinearity


    2019 Julius R., Ibrahim A.-B.M.A., Choudhury P.K., Eleuch H. Article
  • A Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules

    Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP

    2019 Shaffie A., Soliman A., Khalifeh H.A., Taher F., Ghazal M., Dunlap N., Elmaghraby A., Keynton R., El-Baz A. Conference Paper
  • Diabetic Retinopathy Grading Using 3D Multi-path Convolutional Neural Network Based on Fusing Features from OCTA Scans, Demographic, and Clinical Biomarkers

    IST 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

    2019 Eladawi N., Elmogy M., Ghazal M., Fraiwan L., Aboelfetouh A., Riad A., Sandhu H., El-Baz A. Conference Paper