Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Optical Ultra-Wideband Nano-Plasmonic Bandpass Filter Based on Gap-Coupled Square Ring Resonators

    IEEE Access

    2023 Thirupathaiah K., Qasymeh M. Article
  • Measuring financial soundness around the world: A machine learning approach

    International Review of Financial Analysis

    2023 Bitetto, A., Cerchiello, P., Mertzanis, C. Article
  • Forecasting sustainability of healthcare supply chains using deep learning and network data envelopment analysis

    Journal of Business Research

    2023 Azadi, M., Yousefi, S., Farzipoor Saen, R., Shabanpour, H., Jabeen, F. Article
  • COSMO-RS and LSER models of solution thermodynamics: Towards a COSMO-LSER equation of state model of fluids

    Journal of Molecular Liquids

    2023 Panayiotou C., Acree W.E., Zuburtikudis I. Article
  • The Design and Evaluation of an Orange-Fruit Detection Model in a Dynamic Environment Using a Convolutional Neural Network

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2023 Zeeshan S., Aized T., Riaz F. Article
  • Programmable broad learning system for baggage threat recognition

    Multimedia Tools and Applications

    2023 Shafay, M., Ahmed, A., Hassan, T., Dias, J., Werghi, N. Article
  • Does Career Adaptability Motivate Self-initiated Expatriates to Embed with Their Jobs? The Mediating Effect of Job Crafting

    FIIB Business Review

    2023 AlMemari M., Khalid K., Osman A. Article
  • Modeling of Independent Versus Dependent Tensile–Frictional Strength Behavior of Jointed Rocks

    Geotechnical and Geological Engineering

    2023 Alzo’ubi A.K., Mughieda O.S., Kewalramani M. Article
  • Recent progress in the thermal management of lithium-ion batteries

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2023 Osmani, K., Alkhedher, M., Ramadan, M., Choi, D.S., Li, L.K.B., Doranehgard, M.H., Olabi, A.-G. Article
  • Blur Effect in a Multiple Particle Inverse Problem for Fiber-Reinforced Composites

    Advanced Structured Materials

    2023 Mityushev V., Zhunussova Z., Dosmagulova K., Akca H. Article