Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A time-efficient and noise-resistant cryptosystem based on discrete wavelet transform and chaos theory: An application in image encryption

    Journal of Information Security and Applications

    2023 Mehmood A., Shafique A., Chaudhry S.A., Alawida M., Khan A.N., Kumar N. Article
  • Diversification effects of China's carbon neutral bond on renewable energy stock markets: A minimum connectedness portfolio approach

    Energy Economics

    2023 Bai L., Wei Y., Zhang J., Wang Y., Lucey B.M. Article
  • National culture and green bond issuance around the world

    European Financial Management

    2023 Mertzanis C., Tebourbi I. Article
  • Revisiting Leadership in Schools: Investigating the Adoption of the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2023 Massouti A., Shaya N., Abukhait R. Editorial
  • Reevaluating the risk minimization utility of Islamic stocks and bonds (Sukuk) in international financial markets

    European Journal of Finance

    2023 Sifat, I., Mohamad, A., Zhang, H.C., Molyneux, P. Article
  • Programmable photovoltaic submodules for hotspot mitigation

    International Journal of Sustainable Engineering

    2023 Al Tarabsheh A., Abughali A.M., AlSalmani A.M., AlSoufi A.J., Ba`ba` L.B. Article
  • Effects of control volume outlet variation on axial air cooling of lithium-ion batteries

    International Journal of Thermofluids

    2023 Mahek M.K., Alkhedher M., Ghazal M., Abdelkareem M.A., Ramadan M., Olabi A.-G. Article
  • The conventional microalgal biofuel production process and the alternative milking pathway: A review


    2023 Grira S., Abu Khalifeh H., Alkhedher M., Ramadan M. Article
  • CSR performance practices and COVID-19 – a qualitative study of SME owners in UAE

    Measuring Business Excellence

    2023 Al Blooshi A.M., Jose S., Venkitachalam K. Article
  • A Hybrid Framework of Deep Learning Techniques to Predict Online Performance of Learners during COVID-19 Pandemic

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2023 Altaf, S., Asad, R., Ahmad, S., Ahmed, I., Abdollahian, M., Zaindin, M. Article