Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Correction to: A no-delay single machine scheduling problem to minimize total weighted early and late work (Optimization Letters, (2022), 10.1007/s11590-022-01849-x)

    Optimization Letters

    2022 Krimi I., Benmansour R., Todosijević R., Mladenovic N., Ratli M. Erratum
  • Lexical collocations in Arabic-English bilinguals' writing across two proficiency levels

    Bilingual Writers and Corpus Analysis

    2022 Sharef A.K.A., Bowles M. Book Chapter
  • The Role of Radiomics and AI Technologies in the Segmentation, Detection, and Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma


    2022 Fahmy D., Alksas A., Elnakib A., Mahmoud A., Kandil H., Khalil A., Ghazal M., van Bogaert E., Contractor S., El-Baz A. Review
  • Spotlight on Exosomal Non-Coding RNAs in Breast Cancer: An In Silico Analysis to Identify Potential lncRNA/circRNA-miRNA-Target Axis

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences

    2022 Ashekyan O., Abdallah S., Shoukari A.A., Chamandi G., Choubassy H., Itani A.R.S., Alwan N., Nasr R. Review
  • Advancing the debate on hotel employees’ environmental psychology by promoting energy-saving behavior in a corporate social responsibility framework

    Frontiers in Psychology

    2022 Yang L., Cherian J., Sial M.S., Samad S., Yu J., Kim Y., Han H. Article
  • Autonomous Robots for Deep Mask-Wearing Detection in Educational Settings during Pandemics

    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

    2022 Zia H., Alhalabi M., Yaghi M., Barhoush A., Farag O., Alkhedher M., Khelifi A., Ibrahim A.M.A., Ghazal M. Article
  • Role of flexibility, agility and responsiveness for sustainable supply chain resilience during COVID-19

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2022 Kazancoglu I., Ozbiltekin-Pala M., Kumar Mangla S., Kazancoglu Y., Jabeen F. Article
  • Ultra-broadband nearly perfect absorbers based on graphene-coated lossy metallic nanostructures

    Results in Physics

    2022 Khosravi R., Monfared Y.E., Qasymeh M. Article
  • A Multi-layer Semantic Approach for Digital Forensics Automation for Online Social Networks


    2022 Arshad H., Abdullah S., Alawida M., Alabdulatif A., Abiodun O.I., Riaz O. Article
  • Two-qubit Fisher information and Jensen–Shannon nonlocality dynamics induced by a coherent cavity under dipole, intensity-dependent, and decoherence couplings

    Results in Physics

    2022 Mohamed A.-B.A., Eleuch H. Article