Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A Low-Cost IoT Node for Fever Detection using Artificial Intelligence

    2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence, ICMI 2022 - Proceedings

    2022 Basmaji T., Yaghi M., Khan E., Ba'Ba' L., Fteiha B., Harb A., Ghazal M. Conference Paper
  • Diving into detailed experiences: Muslim employees on Islamic work ethic, organisational (in)justice, and other motivational factors

    International Journal of Management Practice

    2022 Alshuweihi A.A., van Ewijk A., Abdallah S. Article
  • Introduction

    Plurilingual Pedagogy in the Arabian Peninsula: Transforming and Empowering Students and Teachers

    2022 Coelho D., Steinhagen T.G. Book Chapter
  • How AI Can Help in the Diagnostic Dilemma of Pulmonary Nodules


    2022 Fahmy D., Kandil H., Khelifi A., Yaghi M., Ghazal M., Sharafeldeen A., Mahmoud A., El-Baz A. Article
  • Two-Area Load Frequency Control for Power System Dynamic Performance Enhancement with a Graphical User Interface Integration

    International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Energy Technologies, ICECET 2022

    2022 Alhalabi M., Rashed A., Barham Y., Salim R., Ghazal M. Conference Paper
  • Exposure Assessment of Aflatoxin B1 through Consumption of Rice in the United Arab Emirates

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

    2022 Alwan N., Bou Ghanem H., Dimassi H., Karam L., Hassan H.F. Article
  • Managing project scope creep in construction industry

    Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management

    2022 Ajmal M.M., Khan M., Gunasekaran A., Helo P.T. Article
  • Lunar Oasis - Architectural Visions for an Integrated Lunar Habitat

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC

    2022 Haeuplik-Meusburger S., Caratelli P. Conference Paper
  • Risk connectedness between energy and stock markets: Evidence from oil importing and exporting countries

    Energy Economics

    2022 Benlagha N., Karim S., Naeem M.A., Lucey B.M., Vigne S.A. Article
  • The link between English foreign language teacher’s professional identity and their critical thinking that leads to teacher’s success in the Chinese context: Leaders motivational language as a moderator

    Frontiers in Psychology

    2022 Ding F., Liu X., Amin Abdalla A., Latif Khan M., Akram F. Article