Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • The nexus of servant leadership and project success: the mediation of emotional intelligence and job stress and moderation of team effectiveness

    Leadership and Organization Development Journal

    2022 Malik A.A., Muneeb D., Khan N., Usman M., Latif K.F. Article
  • Raspberry Pi and Computer Vision based Embedded System for the Implementation of Smart Street Lighting Controls

    2022 International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems, CIEES 2022 - Proceedings

    2022 Khan M.U., Naeem A.M., Zia H. Conference Paper
  • Data sharing in food supply chains and the feasibility of crosschain data platforms for added value

    Transportation Research Procedia

    2022 Jonkman J., Badraoui I., Verduijn T. Conference Paper
  • Effects of Class-Size Reduction on Students’ Performance

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

    2022 Nakamura Y., Dev S. Article
  • Linear Diophantine fuzzy subsets of polygroups

    Carpathian Mathematical Publications

    2022 Altahan M., Davvaz B., Parimala M., Al-Kaseasbeh S. Article
  • Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Learning on Optical UAV Imagery: Preliminary Results

    Remote Sensing

    2022 Altaweel M., Khelifi A., Li Z., Squitieri A., Basmaji T., Ghazal M. Article
  • Organizational readiness for digital financial innovation and financial resilience

    International Journal of Production Economics

    2022 Hussain M., Papastathopoulos A. Article
  • Enviro-Economic Assessment of HHO–CNG Mixture Utilization in Spark Ignition Engine for Performance and Environmental Sustainability


    2022 Usman M., Malik M.A.I., Bashir R., Riaz F., Raza M.J., Suleman K., Rehman A.-U., Ashraf W.M., Krzywanski J. Article
  • Novel integration of extreme learning machine and improved Harris hawks optimization with particle swarm optimization-based mutation for predicting soil consolidation parameter

    Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

    2022 Bardhan A., Kardani N., Alzo'ubi A.K., Roy B., Samui P., Gandomi A.H. Article
  • An Empirical Investigation on Plastic Waste Issues and Plastic Disposal Strategies to Protect the Environment: A UAE Perspective

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2022 Abu Jadayil W., Qureshi M.R.N.M., Ajaj R., Aqil E., Shawahin G., Anver H., Aljeawi S. Article