Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Development and Characterization of Nutritious Gluten-Free Doughnuts with Lupin and Inulin Flours


    2022 Al-Othman H., Maghaydah S., Abughoush M., Olaimat A.N., Al-Holy M.A., Ajo R., Al Khalaileh N.I., Choudhury I.H., Angor M. Article
  • What do we know about business and economics research during COVID-19: a bibliometric review

    Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja

    2022 Alshater M.M., Atayah O.F., Khan A. Article
  • The role of carbon accounting in carbon management system: Empirical evidence from the coastal areas of the world

    Journal of Public Affairs

    2022 Sial M.S., Cherian J., Salman A., Comite U., Anh Thu P., Brugni T.V. Article
  • Nonlinear analysis of government expenditure and tax rate on income inequality in India

    Journal of Public Affairs

    2022 Padhan H., Haouas I., Hammoudeh S., Tiwari A.K. Article
  • The relationship between collaboration, productivity and publications: an empirical analysis in field of family business

    Journal of Family Business Management

    2022 Kinias I., Kampouris I., Polyzos S. Article
  • Temporal Quantum Memory and Non-Locality of Two Trapped Ions under the Effect of the Intrinsic Decoherence: Entropic Uncertainty, Trace Norm Nonlocality and Entanglement


    2022 Mohamed A.-B.A., Rahman A.U., Eleuch H. Article
  • Optical tomography dynamics induced by qubit-resonator interaction under intrinsic decoherence

    Scientific Reports

    2022 Mohamed A.-B.A., Eleuch H. Article
  • Social innovation across non-profit organisations: analytical hierarchical approach

    International Journal of Innovation and Learning

    2022 Matloub A., Othman A., Ajmal M.M. Article
  • Outcomes-Based Assessment and Lessons Learned in ABET-CAC Accreditation: A Case Study of the American University in the Emirates

    Mobile Information Systems

    2022 Zaid Abualkishik A., Atassi R., Singh A., Elhoseny M., Alwan A.A., Iqbal R., Khelifi A. Article
  • AI Assisted Medical Diagnosis of Lung Diseases Using Accurate Symptoms Visualization

    Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, FiCloud 2022

    2022 Yaghi M., Hafez S., Sheibani A., Abdelkhalek A., Farhan Z., Ghazal M., Elbaz A., Khelifi A. Conference Paper