Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • CSR and workplace autonomy as enablers of workplace innovation in SMEs through employees: Extending the boundary conditions of self-determination theory

    Sustainability (Switzerland)

    2021 Li B., Fan X., Álvarez-Otero S., Sial M.S., Comite U., Cherian J., Vasa L. Article
  • Contribution of ADIPOQ Variants to the Genetic Susceptibility of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    Reproductive Sciences

    2021 Bahia W., Soltani I., Haddad A., Radhouani A., Mahdhi A., Ferchichi S., Almawi W.Y. Article
  • Towards a Low-cost and Mobile System for Quarantine Tracking during Pandemics

    2021 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference, IHTC 2021

    2021 Yaghi M., Basmaji T., Alsalmani A., Salim R., Ghazal M. Conference Paper
  • Regulation of virtual currencies in the United Arab Emirates: accounting for the emerging public/private distinction

    Development Studies Research

    2021 El Maknouzi M.E.H., Sadok H. Article
  • Aerodynamics analysis of grid fins inner lattice structure in cruise missile

    WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics

    2021 Dol S.S. Article
  • Analysis and optimization of a modified Kalina cycle system for low-grade heat utilization

    Energy Conversion and Management: X

    2021 Masrur Hossain M., Afnan Ahmed N., Abid Shahriyar M., Monjurul Ehsan M., Riaz F., Salehin S., Awais Salman C. Article
  • A Modern Paradigm to Virtually Teach a Manufacturing Processes Course Using Finite Element Analysis

    World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education

    2021 Alkhedher M., Alashqar M., Slawdeh Y., Uzair M. Article
  • Programme Outcome Attributes related to Complex Engineering Problem Capability: Perceptions of Engineering Students in Malaysia

    Asian Journal of University Education

    2021 Isa C.M.M., Mohammad N.I.A., Saad N.H., Preece C.N. Article
  • Implementing sustainable procurement strategy in the oil and gas sector: Analytic hierarchy process approach

    International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology

    2021 AlHashmi M.H., Khan M.M., Ajmal M.M. Article
  • A novel grading system for autism severity level using task-based functional MRI: A response to speech study

    IEEE Access

    2021 Haweel R., Shalaby A.M., Mahmoud A.H., Ghazal M., Seada N., Ghoniemy S., Casanova M., Barnes G.N., El-Baz A. Article