Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Analysis of voltage and current flow of electrical transmission lines through mZK equation

    Results in Physics

    2021 Ali Akbar M., Abdul Kayum M., Osman M.S., Abdel-Aty A.-H., Eleuch H. Article
  • The Abraham Accords and Religious Tolerance: Three Tales of Faith-Based Foreign-Policy Agenda Setting

    Middle East Policy

    2021 Jeong H.W. Article
  • Atomic population inversion in a two-level atom for shaped and chirped laser pulses: Exact solutions of Bloch equations with dephasing

    Results in Physics

    2021 Grira S., Boutabba N., Eleuch H. Article
  • Analysis of emotion recognition from cross-lingual speech: Arabic, English, and Urdu

    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2021

    2021 Farhad M., Ismail H., Harous S., Masud M.M., Beg A. Conference Paper
  • Detection of Cancer in Medical Images using Deep Learning

    International journal of online and biomedical engineering

    2021 Shweikeh E., Lu J., Al-Rajab M. Article
  • High social jetlag is correlated with nocturnal inhibition of melatonin production among night workers

    Chronobiology International

    2021 Vieira R.P.O., Nehme P.X.S.A., Marqueze E.C., Amaral F.G., Cipolla-Neto J., Moreno C.R.C. Article
  • Entropic uncertainty for two coupled dipole spins using quantum memory under the dzyaloshinskii–moriya interaction


    2021 Khedr A.N., Mohamed A.-B.A., Abdel-Aty A.-H., Tammam M., Abdel-Aty M., Eleuch H. Article
  • Current status of cellulosic and nanocellulosic materials for oil spill cleanup


    2021 Fürtauer S., Hassan M., Elsherbiny A., Gabal S.A., Mehanny S., Abushammala H. Review
  • Facilitators and inhibitors of organic food buying behavior

    Food Quality and Preference

    2021 Tandon A., Jabeen F., Talwar S., Sakashita M., Dhir A. Article
  • Productive workplace behaviour at the governmental sector: the case of the UAE

    Journal of Advances in Management Research

    2021 Abdallah A., Abdallah S. Article