Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Immunotherapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Frontiers in Neurology

    2021 Mortada I., Farah R., Nabha S., Ojcius D.M., Fares Y., Almawi W.Y., Sadier N.S. Review
  • Improved deep convolutional neural network to classify osteoarthritis from anterior cruciate ligament tear using magnetic resonance imaging

    Journal of Personalized Medicine

    2021 Awan M.J., Rahim M.S.M., Salim N., Rehman A., Nobanee H., Shabir H. Article

    Journal of Modern Project Management

    2021 Rahi K. Article
  • Guest editorial

    Journal of Intellectual Capital

    2021 Schiavone F., Ferraris A., Fosso Wamba S., Singh S.K. Editorial
  • Jusoor: AWearable communication device for the Deaf-Blind

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

    2021 Abdelmagid F., Fasla H., Khafaji H., Elhadef M. Conference Paper
  • Utility and Professional Attitudes toward Assistive Technology in UAE Special Needs Centers

    International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

    2021 Fteiha M., Elsori D., Khalil A., Al Bustami G. Article
  • The role of big data analytics capabilities in greening e-procurement: A higher order PLS-SEM analysis

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    2021 AlNuaimi B.K., Khan M., Ajmal M.M. Article
  • An experimental comparison of iot‐based and traditional irrigation scheduling on a flood‐irrigated subtropical lemon farm


    2021 Zia H., Rehman A., Harris N.R., Fatima S., Khurram M. Article
  • Significant Factors Influencing Entry Decisions (SEFIED) into International Market

    2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2021 - Proceedings

    2021 Ibrahim N., Isa C.M.M., Nusa F.N.M., Preece C.N., Ghani M.K. Conference Paper
  • A novel framework for accurate and non-invasive pulmonary nodule diagnosis by integrating texture and contour descriptors

    Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging

    2021 Shaffie A., Soliman A., Khalifeh H.A., Ghazal M., Taher F., Elmaghraby A., El-Baz A. Conference Paper