Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Calculating three thermal coefficients from one data set

    International Journal of Applied Mathematics

    2019 Kharab A., Howari F.M., Guenther R.B. Article
  • Economic growth and environmental degradation in Vietnam: Is the environmental Kuznets curve a complete picture?

    Emerging Markets Review

    2019 Shahbaz M., Haouas I., Hoang T.H.V. Article
  • Modeling the impact of safety climate on process safety in a modern process industry: The case of the UAE’s oil-refining industry

    Cogent Business and Management

    2019 Al Mazrouei M.A., Khalid K., Davidson R. Article
  • Access to skilled labor, institutions and firm performance in developing countries

    International Journal of Manpower

    2019 Mertzanis C., Said M. Article
  • A review of durability and strength characteristics of alkali-activated slag concrete


    2019 Mohamed O.A. Review
  • Effect of Curing Methods on Compressive Strength of Sustainable Self-Consolidated Concrete

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    2019 Mohamed O., Najm O. Conference Paper
  • Effect of growth temperature on catalyst free hydrothermal synthesis of crystalline SnO2 micro-sheets

    Ceramics International

    2019 Hussain S., Jacob J., Riaz N., Mahmood K., Ali A., Amin N., Nabi G., Isa M., Mahmood M.H.R. Article
  • What are the factors behind the distinct character of Mosques in Turkey and Iran?

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

    2019 Kelly T. Conference Paper
  • Modelling time complexity of micro-genetic algorithms for online traffic control decisions

    International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences

    2019 Abu-Lebdeh G., Hazirbaba K., Mughieda O., Abdelrahman B. Article
  • Knowledge sharing in technology-intensive manufacturing organizations: Analytic hierarchy process approach

    Business Process Management Journal

    2019 AlShamsi O.M., Ajmal M.M. Article