Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Performance of physical asset management using the analytic hierarchy process

    Property Management

    2019 Al Marzooqi F.A., Hussain M., Ahmad S.Z. Article
  • Employee perception of impact of knowledge management processes on public sector performance

    Journal of Knowledge Management

    2019 Al Ahbabi S.A., Singh S.K., Balasubramanian S., Gaur S.S. Article
  • Communication, coordination, decision-making and knowledge-sharing: a case study in construction management

    Journal of Knowledge Management

    2019 Al Nahyan M.T., Sohal A., Hawas Y., Fildes B. Article
  • Architecturally inspired furniture: Creating furniture inspired by masterpieces in architecture. Application in advanced furniture course

    International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

    2019 Shakour S., Ibrahim M. Article
  • Internationalization, investment opportunities, expansion strategies, and the changing telecom industry in the Mena region

    Journal of World Investment and Trade

    2019 Anwar S.T. Review
  • Direct growth of ZnSnO nano-wires by thermal evaporation technique for thermoelectric applications

    Physica B: Condensed Matter

    2019 Rehman U., Jacob J., Mahmood K., Ali A., Ashfaq A., Amin N., Ikram S., Ahmad W., Hussain S. Article
  • Social media adoption and its impact on firm performance: the case of the UAE

    International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research

    2019 Ahmad S.Z., Abu Bakar A.R., Ahmad N. Article
  • Effects of context on the entrepreneurial intent of female students from the United Arab Emirates

    Education and Training

    2019 Vracheva V.P., Abu-Rahma A., Jacques P. Article
  • Chronic Wound Healing Assessment System Based on Color and Texture Analysis

    IST 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

    2019 Elmogy M., Khalil A., Shalaby A., Mahmoud A., Ghazal M., El-Baz A. Conference Paper
  • Modulation of thermoelectric properties of Mg2GeO4 thin films by controlling the growth process

    Ceramics International

    2019 Mahmood K., Jacob J., Rehman A., Ali A., Rehaman U., Amin N., Ikram S., Ashfaq A., Hussain S. Article