Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Financial disclosure practices among Malaysian local authorities: a case study

    International Journal of Public Sector Management

    2019 Teruki N.A., Nyamori R.O., Ahmed K. Article
  • Sustainable development through carbon trading mechanisms in the uae context

    Pollution Research

    2019 Cherian J., Jacob J., Farouk S. Article
  • Public-sector green procurement in the United Arab Emirates: Innovation capability and commitment to change

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2019 AlNuaimi B.K., Khan M. Article
  • Factors affecting social media adoption in small and medium enterprises: Evidence from the UAE

    International Journal of Business Innovation and Research

    2019 Alsharji A., Jabeen F., Ahmad S.Z. Article
  • The best leadership styles for preventing the educational crisis [Los mejores estilos de liderazgo para prevenir la crisis educativa]


    2019 Abdallah A., Alkhrabsheh A. Article
  • Rethinking the old residential sector in the UAE: A methodology for sustainable retrofitting

    International Journal of Services, Technology and Management

    2019 Elkaftangui M., Mohamed B.E. Article
  • Integration of a Hybrid Method into an Efficient Reliability-Based Design Optimization Technique for Large Structures

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    2019 Okasha N.M., Ahmed Mohamed O. Conference Paper
  • Improving the quality of mobile government services in the Gulf Cooperation Council: A quality-function-deployment approach

    Journal of Systems and Information Technology

    2019 Alsaadi M.R., Ahmad S.Z., Hussain M. Article
  • Blind steganalysis for JPEG images using SVM and SVM-PSO classifiers

    International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

    2019 Shankara D.D., Upadhyay P.K. Article
  • Expansion tale of Al Fanar Restaurant

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

    2019 Jabeen F. Conference Paper