Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Comparative Analysis of Yas Island Master Plans between 2020 and 2030 using Space Syntax

    International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development

    2023 Meziani, R., AlRifai, D. Article
  • Deal! Market reactions to the agreement on the EU Covid-19 recovery fund

    Journal of Financial Stability

    2023 Pancotto, L., ap Gwilym, O., Molyneux, P. Article
  • AI-powered health monitoring of anode baking furnace pits in aluminum production using autonomous drones

    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

    2023 Basmaji T., Yaghi M., Alhalabi M., Rashed A., Zia H., Mahmoud M., Palavar P., Alkhadhar S., Alhmoudi H., Alkhedher M., Elbaz A., Ghazal M. Article
  • Integrated Deep Learning and Stochastic Models for Accurate Segmentation of Lung Nodules from Computed Tomography Images: A Novel Framework

    IEEE Access

    2023 Youssef B., Alksas A., Shalaby A., Mahmoud A., Van Bogaert E., AlGhamdi N.S., Neubacher A., Contractor S., Ghazal M., ElMaghraby A., El-Baz A. Article
  • Do green financial markets offset the risk of cryptocurrencies and carbon markets?

    International Review of Economics and Finance

    2023 Siddique M.A., Nobanee H., Karim S., Naz F. Article
  • Facts or belief: examining the effect of the cognitive dissonance on brand switching, purchase regret and satisfaction level

    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication

    2023 Ibrahim Awwad R., Ibrahim B., George C., Hamdan S., Nair K. Conference Paper
  • Perceptions of Risk, Control, and Responsibility Regarding Food Safety among Consumers in Lebanon

    Food Protection Trends

    2023 Evans E.W., Redmond E.C., Alwan N.H. Article
  • Corporate social responsibility towards education and corporation performance in the UAE: the mediating role of corporation reputation

    Social Responsibility Journal

    2023 Al Sakkaf, S.Y., Farouk, S., Abu Elanain, H.M. Article
  • Female corporate leadership, institutions and financing constraints around the world

    International Journal of Managerial Finance

    2023 Mertzanis C., Marashdeh H., Ashraf S. Article
  • Economic growth, social, and welfare development during COVID-19 pandemic: do country-specific characters matter in the MENA region?

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research

    2023 Farayibi A.O., Haouas I.I., Trinh H.H., Akadiri S.S. Article