Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • What drives purchase behavior for electric vehicles among millennials in an emerging market

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    2023 Le T.T., Jabeen F., Santoro G. Article
  • Thermal Fisher and Wigner–Yanase information correlations in two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ chain

    Results in Physics

    2023 Abdel-Aty, A.-H., Mohamed, A.-B.A., Al-Harbi, N., Eleuch, H. Article
  • Foreword

    Managing Information Technology Projects: Building A Body Of Knowledge In It Project Management

    2023 Aouad, G. Editorial
  • Analysis of the nutritional status in the Palestinian territory: a review study

    Frontiers in Nutrition

    2023 A. Assaf, E., Al Sabbah, H., Al-Jawadleh, A. Review
  • Understanding the boosters of employees’ voluntary pro-environmental behavior: a time-lagged investigation

    Environment, Development and Sustainability

    2023 Mehmood K., Jabeen F., Rehman H., Iftikhar Y., Khan N.A. Article
  • A comparative study of multiple-criteria decision-making methods for selecting the best process parameters for friction stir welded Al 6061 alloy

    Welding International

    2023 Sabry I., Mourad A.-H.I., Alkhedher M., Qazani M.R.C., El-Araby A. Article
  • Real-Time Fake News Detection Using Big Data Analytics and Deep Neural Network

    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems

    2023 Babar M., Ahmad A., Tariq M.U., Kaleem S. Article
  • On Phi-Euler's Function in Refined Neutrosophic Number Theory and The Solutions of Fermat's Diophantine Equation

    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems

    2023 Al Jumayel J., Sarkis M., Jafar H. Article
  • A novel subset-based polynomial design for enhancing the security of short message-digest with inflated avalanche and random responses

    Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

    2023 Karthik, P., Shanthibala, P., Bhardwaj, A., Bharany, S., Yu, H., Zikria, Y.B. Article
  • Conceptualizing and Reimagining the Future of Inclusive Education in the UAE

    Open Education Studies

    2023 Meda L., Efthymiou E., Alhammadi M., Williams C., Fteiha M. Article