Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Design and Study of an AI-Supported Autonomous Stair Climbing Robot

    El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering

    2023 Ramadan M.N.A., Hilles S.M.S., Alkhedher M. Article
  • Heritage tourism brand experiences: The influence of emotions and emotional engagement

    Journal of Vacation Marketing

    2023 Steriopoulos, E., Khoo, C., Wong, H.Y., Hall, J., Steel, M. Article
  • Thermal buckling and post-buckling analyses of rotating Timoshenko microbeams reinforced with graphene platelet

    Composite Structures

    2023 Eyvazian, A., Zhang, C., Alkhedher, M., Muhsen, S., Elkotb, M.A. Article
  • Incremental Instance Segmentation for Cluttered Baggage Threat Detection

    CIVEMSA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, Proceedings

    2023 Nasim A., Velayudhan D., Ahmed A.H., Hassan T., Akcay S., Akram M.U., Werghi N. Conference Paper
  • Trust but verify: the effect of religiosity and social conformity on verification of content shared via social media

    Information Technology and People

    2023 Khalil A., Abdallah S., Hijazi R., Sheikh K. Article
  • Unconventional green transport innovations in the post-COVID-19 era. A trade-off between green actions and personal health protection

    Journal of Business Research

    2023 Anwar, M.A., Dhir, A., Jabeen, F., Zhang, Q., Siddiquei, A.N. Article
  • LAS-SG: An Elliptic Curve-Based Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid Environments

    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

    2023 Chaudhry, S.A., Yahya, K., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Hassan, M.M., Zikria, Y.B. Article
  • Uncovering the repercussions of the US's credit rating downgrade on global equity markets

    Finance Research Letters

    2023 Azmi W., Azmi S.N., Nobanee H., Hamill P.A. Article
  • Review of microplastic degradation: Understanding metagenomic approaches for microplastic degrading organisms

    Polymer Testing

    2023 Reddy C.N., Kallem P., Mounika K.V.S.S.N., Muqeet A., Raj J.C.J., Aishwarya C.V.S., Gupta R.K., Polisetti V., Mishra B., Yadavalli R., Mandal S.K., Hedenqvist M.S., Banat F. Review
  • Talent management and performance in the public sector: the mediating role of line managerial support

    Journal of Organizational Effectiveness

    2023 Semaihi S.O., Ahmad S.Z., Khalid K. Article