Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Global financial integration, governance-by-technology, and green growth

    International Review of Financial Analysis

    2023 Ullah, S., Nobanee, H., Iftikhar, H. Article
  • The Potent and Selective Histamine H3 Receptor Antagonist E169 Counteracts Cognitive Deficits and Mitigates Disturbances in the PI3K/AKT/GSK-3β Signaling Pathway in MK801-Induced Amnesia in Mice

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences

    2023 Abdalla, S., Eissa, N., Jayaprakash, P., Beiram, R., Kuder, K.J., Łażewska, D., Kieć-Kononowicz, K., Sadek, B. Article
  • Molecular Dynamics study on buckling behavior of vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) bundles with characterized waviness

    Computational Materials Science

    2023 Al Tahhan, A.B., Alkhedher, M., Mourad, A.-H.I., Ramadan, M., Shehadeh, M.A. Article
  • Resource Dependency and Capital Structure: A Study of Manufacturing Firms in India

    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

    2023 Ashraf, S., Sahu, S.K. Conference Paper
  • Nobel begets Nobel in economics

    Journal of Informetrics

    2023 Tol R.S.J. Article
  • Justice as efficiency: Courts and the allocation of electricity in China

    Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money

    2023 Fu T., He F., Lucey B. Article
  • Factors associated with cognitive impairment at 3, 6, and 12 months after the first stroke among Lebanese survivors

    Brain and Behavior

    2023 Boutros, C.F., Khazaal, W., Taliani, M., Sadier, N.S., Salameh, P., Hosseini, H. Article
  • FinTech finance and social-environmental performance around the world

    Finance Research Letters

    2023 Mertzanis, C. Article
  • Evaluating the proficiency of a novel solar evacuated tube collector

    Applied Thermal Engineering

    2023 Yang X., Lin Q., Singh P., Riaz F., Agrawal M.K., Alsenani T.R., Xia G.L., Abdelmohimen M.A.H. Article
  • Digging into Mining 4.0: Applying Systems Engineering to a Digital Spare Parts Management System

    IEEE Engineering Management Review

    2023 Lafquih, H., Krimi, I., Elhaq, S.L. Article