Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • A near-optimum multi-objective optimization approach for structural design

    Ain Shams Engineering Journal

    2023 Okasha, N.M., Alzo'ubi, A.K., Mughieda, O., Kewalramani, M., Almasri, A.H. Article
  • 3D printing algae-based materials: Pathway towards 4D bioprinting


    2023 Grira, S., Khalifeh, H.A., Alkhedher, M., Ramadan, M. Review
  • Entanglement and coherence in a system of two atoms in the presence of Kerr medium and field dissipation

    Results in Physics

    2023 Berrada, K., Abdel-Khalek, S., Alkaoud, A., Eleuch, H. Article
  • Influence of augmented reality and virtual reality on real estate investment decisions: understand consumer perspective in Indian AEC industry

    Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management

    2023 Deep S., Vishnoi S., Malhotra R., Mathur S., Yawale H., Kumar A., Singla A. Article
  • Flow Rate Optimization in a Flat-Panel Photobioreactor for the Cultivation of Microalgae for Mitigating Waste Gas

    Water (Switzerland)

    2023 Banerjee, S., Dasgupta, S., Atta, A., Das, D., Dayal, D., Malik, S., Kumar, H., Kishore, S., Rustagi, S., Almutary, A.G. Article
  • Extensive experimental investigation on the effect of thermal treatment and lateral pressure on the shear behavior of intact mudstone

    Scientific Reports

    2023 Alneasan M., Alzo’ubi A.K. Article
  • Harnessing the power of AI: Advanced deep learning models optimization for accurate SARS-CoV-2 forecasting

    PLoS ONE

    2023 Tariq, M.U., Ismail, S.B., Babar, M., Ahmad, A. Article
  • Water absorption characteristics and rate of strength development of mortar with slag-based alkali-activated binder and 25% fly ash replacement

    Materials Today: Proceedings

    2023 Mohamed O., Ahmed E., Najm O., Al-Aribe K., Hijah E. Article
  • The impact of electronic word-of-mouth on corporate performance during COVID-19

    Electronic Commerce Research

    2023 Haj Khalifa, A., Najaf, K., Atayah, O.F., Dhiaf, M. Article
  • Mapping covid-19 and transportation: a taxonomical study using bibliometric visualisation

    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication

    2023 Nobanee H., Alodat A.Y., Chakraborty D. Review