Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Configurations of innovation performance in foreign owned subsidiaries: focusing on organizational agility and digitalization

    Management Decision

    2023 Dahms S., Cabrilo S., Kingkaew S. Article
  • An experimental study on hybrid control of a solar tracking system to maximize energy harvesting in Jordan

    Solar Energy

    2023 Al-Othman, A., Younes, T., Al-Adwan, I., Al Khawaldah, M., Alauthman, H., Alkhedher, M., Ramadan, M. Article
  • Perspectives and practices of dietitians with regards to social/mass media use during the transitions from face-to-face to telenutrition in the time of COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey in 10 Arab countries

    Frontiers in Public Health

    2023 Bookari K., Arrish J., Alkhalaf M.M., Alharbi M.H., Zaher S., Alotaibi H.M., Tayyem R., Al-Awwad N., Qasrawi R., Allehdan S., Al Sabbah H., AlMajed S., Al Hinai E., Kamel I., Ati J.E., Harb Z., Hoteit M., The Arabic Dietitians practices (ADP) survey Group Article
  • Blockchain-based solution for Pharma Supply Chain Industry

    Computers and Industrial Engineering

    2023 Abdallah, S., Nizamuddin, N. Article
  • How digitalization supports a sustainable business model: A literature review

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    2023 Broccardo, L., Zicari, A., Jabeen, F., Bhatti, Z.A. Article
  • Airline brand equity: do advertising and sales promotion matter? An empirical evidence from UAE traveler’s perspective

    International Journal of Organizational Analysis

    2023 Mahadin B.K., Abu Elsamen A., El-Adly M.I. Article
  • Factors influencing the adoption of mobile health apps in the UAE

    Digital Transformation in Healthcare in Post-COVID-19 Times

    2023 Al Katheeri, H., Shehzad, N., Jabeen, F. Book Chapter
  • Status and correlates of food and nutrition literacy among parents-adolescents’ dyads: findings from 10 Arab countries

    Frontiers in Nutrition

    2023 Hoteit M., Mansour R., Mohsen H., Bookari K., Hammouh F., Allehdan S., AlKazemi D., Al Sabbah H., Benkirane H., Kamel I., Qasrawi R., Tayyem R., the regional food literacy group Article
  • Evaluation of food quality and safety parameters and food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers at fast foods restaurants at universities in Jordan during COVID-19


    2023 Abughoush M., Olaimat A.N., Al-Holy M.A., Al-Dabbas M., Alavi S., Maghaydah S., Choudhury I., Nour M., Abu - Ghoush L. Article
  • Organizational communication strategies in response to major disruptions: the case of the worsening situation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

    International Journal of Organizational Analysis

    2023 Gurkov, I., Dahms, S. Article