Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Corporate commodity exposure: A multi-country longitudinal study

    Journal of Commodity Markets

    2023 Han X., Laing E., Lucey B.M., Vigne S. Article
  • Retraction Note to: Feature reduced blind steganalysis using DCT and spatial transform on JPEG images with and without cross validation using ensemble classifiers(Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, (2020), 12, (5235–5244), 10.1007/s1

    Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

    2023 Gireeshan M.G., Shankar D.D., Azhakath A.S. Review
  • Assessment of mycotoxins in cornflakes marketed in Lebanon

    Scientific Reports

    2023 Hassan H.F., Awada F., Dimassi H., El Ahmadieh C., Hassan N.B., El Khatib S., Alwan N., Abiad M.G., Serhan M., Darra N.E. Article
  • Overcoming worldwide Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) challenges through standardizing management authority

    Ocean and Coastal Management

    2023 Albotoush, R., Shau-Hwai, A.T. Article
  • Cancelable biometric schemes for Euclidean metric and Cosine metric


    2023 Jiang, Y., Shen, P., Zeng, L., Zhu, X., Jiang, D., Chen, C. Article
  • Role of AI and Radiomic Markers in Early Diagnosis of Renal Cancer and Clinical Outcome Prediction: A Brief Review


    2023 Shehata M., Abouelkheir R.T., Gayhart M., Van Bogaert E., Abou El-Ghar M., Dwyer A.C., Ouseph R., Yousaf J., Ghazal M., Contractor S., El-Baz A. Article
  • A framework for measuring the adoption factors in digital mobile payments in the COVID-19 era

    International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications

    2023 Jegerson, D., Hussain, M. Article
  • Usability Evaluation of Kids' Learning Apps

    2nd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2023

    2023 Ibrahim A., Al-Rajab M., Hamid K., Aqeel M., Muneer S., Parveen M., Saleem M. Conference Paper
  • Customer Personality Analysis for Churn Prediction Using Hybrid Ensemble Models and Class Balancing Techniques

    IEEE Access

    2023 Ahmad N., Awan M.J., Nobanee H., Zain A.M., Naseem A., Mahmoud A. Article
  • Detection Transformer Framework for Recognition of Heavily Occluded Suspicious Objects

    CIVEMSA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, Proceedings

    2023 Ahmed A., Alansari M., Alnuaimi K., Velayudhan D., Hassan T., Werghi N. Conference Paper