Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Health-care information technologies for dispersed knowledge management

    Journal of Knowledge Management

    2022 Alrahbi D.A., Khan M., Gupta S., Modgil S., Chiappetta Jabbour C.J. Article
  • DFT Study of Heteronuclear (TMFeO3)x Molecular Clusters (Where TM = Sc, Ti, Fe and x = 2, 4, 8) for Photocatalytic and Photovoltaic Applications


    2022 Majid A., Arif S., Younes T.M., Alkhedher M., ElDin S.M. Article
  • Cross Country Determinants of Investors' Sentiments Prediction in Emerging Markets Using ANN

    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

    2022 Rao A., Manoj Kumar M.V., Moonesar I.A., Atalla S., Prashanth B.S., Joshi G., Soni T.K., Le T., Verma A., Marashdeh H. Article
  • Experimental investigation into the potential of using a shallow ground-cooled condenser in Lebanon

    Energy Conversion and Management

    2022 Mahmoud M., Alkhedher M., Ramadan M., Pullen K., Olabi A.-G., Naher S. Article
  • An FPP-resistant SVD-based image watermarking scheme based on chaotic control

    Alexandria Engineering Journal

    2022 Alshoura W.H., Zainol Z., Teh J.S., Alawida M. Article
  • Conceptualizing the Role of Target-Specific Environmental Transformational Leadership between Corporate Social Responsibility and Pro-Environmental Behaviors of Hospital Employees

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

    2022 Deng Y., Cherian J., Ahmad N., Scholz M., Samad S. Article
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and SME Value Creation

    Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal

    2022 Bhattacharyya A., Kumar A. Article
  • Volatility spillovers between fine wine and major global markets during COVID-19: A portfolio hedging strategy for investors

    International Review of Economics and Finance

    2022 Samitas A., Papathanasiou S., Koutsokostas D., Kampouris E. Article
  • ‘Al Faza’a’ leadership: An implicit cultural barrier to distributed leadership in Jordanian public schools

    Educational Management Administration and Leadership

    2022 Hashem R. Review
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 “Infodemic” on Well-Being: A Cross-Sectional Study

    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare

    2022 Elbarazi I., Saddik B., Grivna M., Aziz F., Elsori D., Stip E., Bendak E. Article