Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • Strategic tensions in multinational corporations during global disruptions

    Management Research Review

    2023 Gurkov, I., Dahms, S., Shchetinin, I. Article
  • Exploring the Relationship between Big Data Analytics Capability and Organization’s Strategic Intent: Mediating Role of Environmental Scanning

    Journal of Internet Commerce

    2023 Ibrahim, A.A.A., Abu Bakar, A.R., Ahmad, S.Z. Article
  • Crack simulation for the cover of the landfill – A seismic design

    Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale

    2023 Namdar, A., Karimpour-Fard, M., Mughieda, O., Berto, F., Muhammad, N. Article
  • An efficient and reliable ultralightweight RFID authentication scheme for healthcare systems

    Computer Communications

    2023 Kumar A., Singh K., Shariq M., Lal C., Conti M., Amin R., Chaudhry S.A. Article
  • An Islamic cultural analysis of managerial decision-making

    Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research

    2023 Al Qur’an M.N. Article
  • Bibliometric analysis and visualization of green, sustainable, and environmental insurance research

    Journal of Financial Services Marketing

    2023 Nobanee H., Elsaied F.A., Alhammadi N., Wazir N. Article
  • Environmental risk assessment of nanopesticides and nanofertilizers

    The Impact of Nanoparticles on Agriculture and Soil

    2023 Hafeez, S., Nazir, A. Book Chapter
  • Photosynthetic activity and metabolic profiling of bread wheat cultivars contrasting in drought tolerance

    Frontiers in Plant Science

    2023 Ghaffar, A., Hussain, N., Ajaj, R., Shahin, S.M., Bano, H., Javed, M., Khalid, A., Yasmin, M., Shah, K.H., Zaheer, M., Iqbal, M., Zafar, Z.U., Athar, H.-U.-R. Article
  • Selection of processed and packaged potato-based snacks among university students: a cross-sectional study regarding food environment and dietary behavior

    Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research

    2023 Sattar S., Khalid N. Article
  • Forward osmosis membranes for desalination and wastewater treatment: Review of recent advances in electrospun nanofiber-based substrates, challenges, and future research recommendations

    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

    2023 Kallem P., Pandey R.P., Hegab H.M., Patel M., Hasan S.W., Banat F. Article