Research Publications

Explore the intellectual wealth of Abu Dhabi University through our curated list of publications. From groundbreaking research articles to thought-provoking contributions, these publications showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge

  • From forests to faucets to fuel: Investigating the domino effect of extreme risk in timber, water, and energy markets

    Finance Research Letters

    2023 Naeem M.A., Iqbal N., Karim S., Lucey B.M. Article
  • Hybrid PCM-based thermal management for lithium-ion batteries: Trends and challenges

    Journal of Energy Storage

    2023 Khan M.M., Alkhedher M., Ramadan M., Ghazal M. Review
  • Financialization: A bibliometric review, research streams, influential works, and future research paths

    Cogent Social Sciences

    2023 Nobanee H., Shanti H., Shikder A., Almarzooqi M., Vaz A., Masood S. Review
  • Effect of market-based regulations on corporate carbon disclosure and carbon performance: global evidence

    Journal of Applied Accounting Research

    2023 Siddique M.A., Aljifri K., Hossain S., Choudhury T. Editorial
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Cyber Security Issues and its Impact on FinTech

    2nd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2023

    2023 Inairat M.H.S., Sahawneh N.M.F., Faiz M.A., Maghaydah S., Itani R. Article
  • The influence of lanthanum concentration on microstructural and electrical properties of Mg-Cd-Bi ferrite nanoparticles

    Ceramics International

    2023 Jacob, J., Javaid, K., Amin, N., Ali, A., Mahmood, K., Ikram, S., Arshad, M.I., Munir, A., Amami, M. Article
  • Simultaneous Antagonism at H3R/D2R/D3R Reduces Autism-like Self-Grooming and Aggressive Behaviors by Mitigating MAPK Activation in Mice

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences

    2023 Eissa, N., Awad, M.A., Thomas, S.D., Venkatachalam, K., Jayaprakash, P., Zhong, S., Stark, H., Sadek, B. Article
  • Enhancing Vegetable Quality Prediction with Fuzzy Interference System

    2nd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2023

    2023 Al-Rajab M., Asif M., Chuhan S.H., Mustafa M., Ilyas A., Kamran R., Ahmad Abazeed A.R., Abu Saima M., Geeta S. Conference Paper
  • Factors affecting organisations' supply chain agility and competitive capability

    Business Process Management Journal

    2023 Aldhaheri, R.T., Ahmad, S.Z. Article
  • ChatGPT for (Finance) research: The Bananarama Conjecture

    Finance Research Letters

    2023 Dowling, M., Lucey, B. Article