Currently, Professor Abdel-Aty holds key positions, serving as the Director of the International Relations Center at Sohag University in Egypt and as the Vice-President of the African Mathematical Union. He has previously held leadership roles, including Vice-President of the African Academy of Sciences and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Applied Science University and Ahlia University in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
He completed his doctorate in Information and Communication Technology at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Germany in 1999. He has conducted significant postdoctoral research on Information Sciences at Flensburg University in Germany from 2001 to 2003. He has also made substantial contributions to the Quantum Information Group in Egypt, focusing on areas such as quantum measurement, nanomechanical modeling, highly non-classical light, practical information security, and optical implementations of quantum information tasks. His exceptional achievements, numerous awards, and editorial engagements highlight his significant impact and recognition within the scientific community.