Committed to recognizing academic excellence
Commencement and Dean’s List Appreciation
Abu Dhabi University is committed to recognizing and rewarding academic excellence to inspire outstanding academic performance. Every regular semester, the Office of the Registrar publishes the Dean's List according to outstanding students' Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). Any student registered with full-time status who achieves an SGPA of 3.50 or above, with no Incompletes (I), disciplinary action, or academic integrity violations in that semester will be eligible for the Dean's List. Students on the Dean's List will receive a recognition certificate.
Committed to recognizing academic excellence
Undergraduate and postgraduate level students graduating from ADU must officially file an application for graduation at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to graduate. The Office of the Registrar does not initiate the diploma preparation until a student officially files for graduation.
A preliminary degree audit is performed when you apply for graduation. The audit is meant to ensure that you meet the graduation requirements to earn the degree by the end of the graduation semester. Once your final grades are released a final degree audit is performed and endorsed by the College and the Office of the Registrar. You are then required to complete a Clearance Procedure before the final graduation certificate is issued.
The completion of the degree requirements is a celebration we look forward to every year. It is the outcome of several years of dedication and commitment and the achievement is recognized publicly as you walk across the stage during the graduation ceremony to receive your certificate.
The deadline for applying for graduation is published in the student calendar available on the ADU website. Contact the Office of the Registrar for any clarification.
To apply for graduation online:
- Login in to PeopleSoft using your username and password
- Click on self service
- Click on degree progress/graduation
- Click on apply for graduation
- Click on the program for which you want to apply for graduation
- Select the expected graduation term from the drop-down list
- Carefully read any comments in the Graduation Instruction section
You may request a certified true copy of your graduation certificate through the following procedure:
- Pay the required fee at the Finance Department
- Present the original graduation certificate along with the receipt to the staff member at the Office of the Registrar
- The staff member at the Office of the Registrar will inform you when the certified true copy will be available
ADU grants Latin honors to eligible students graduating from Undergraduate programs & Professional Diploma graduates. The eligibility requirement is to achieve a CGPA of 3.5 or above. The titles of the Latin honors and the corresponding CGPA’s are as follows:
- Cum laude: 3.50-3.69
- Magna cum laude: 3.70-3.89
- Summa cum laude: 3.90-4.00
ADU also grants honors to eligible students graduating from DBA and Postgraduate programs as follows:
- Distinction: 3.60 – 3.84
- Distinction with Honors: 3.85 – 4.0
Honors are listed in the student’s graduation letter, transcript, and certificate.