Students are able to register online
All current students are able to register online as long as you are in good academic standing. You need to meet with your academic advisor as stipulated in the academic calendar to ensure courses taken during course registration are in accordance with your study plan. Abu Dhabi University reserves the right to withhold a student's registration due to outstanding financial obligations. Refer to your online account (Student Information System - SIS) to view schedules and ensure that all courses are reflected. Visit the Office of the Registrar if you have any concerns.
Student Information System (People Soft)
Globally ranked university
ADU students may take a minor as an alternative before degree completion in addition to their major.
If you wish to enroll in courses at another institution where the credit earned will be used to fulfill degree requirements at Abu Dhabi University you must be in good academic standing and one of the following conditions must be applicable:
- The course is not offered in the current semester at ADU.
- The course is offered but conflicts with another required course
The course to be taken outside ADU has to be equivalent to an ADU course, as defined in the undergraduate credit transfer policy.
Students in any of the four ADU campuses may register to take a course at another ADU campus. Please contact the Office of the Registrar on your campus for more details.
You have the right to appeal your final grade in a course during the period announced by the Office of the Registrar. In an attempt to resolve a grade appeal you must first meet with the following individuals, in the order listed, to discuss the matter:
These meetings should take place as soon as possible after the final grade or the relevant component grade is released.
If the matter is not resolved, you may start the Committee Appeal Process by completing the Grade Appeal Form with the Office of the Registrar. The form must be submitted prior to the beginning of the early registration period in the next regular semester. The Office of the Registrar will forward the form to the College Dean who will refer the Grade Appeal Form to a committee of faculty selected by the Dean. The committee will review your performance in the course. This review may include interviews with you and the faculty member teaching the course. The chair of the committee will forward the grade recommendation to the College Dean for final approval. There are three possible outcomes to an individual grade appeal:
The decision of the Dean is final. The Grade Appeal Form will be returned to the Office of the Registrar who will inform you of the decision.
The entire process should be concluded before the end of the semester during which the appeal form was submitted.
Student records are defined as any paper-based or online documentation that contain information directly related to the student, such as academic evaluations, transcripts, test scores and other academic records, counseling and advising records, disciplinary records, and financial aid records. Academic and non-academic student information is confidential and will not be released to anyone except the student, the sponsor, and anyone specified by the student in Student Release of Information Form.