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Year of Tolerance Programs Series - ADU Student Housing

In December 2018, the president of the UAE H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed declared 2019 as the Year of Tolerance. With over 200 different nationalities living peacefully in the UAE, the country sets a great example of an inclusive society.

Welcome Year of Tolerance - ADU Dormitories Winter 2018/2019

In December 2018, the president of the UAE H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed declared 2019 as the Year of Tolerance. With over 200 different nationalities living peacefully in the UAE, the country sets a great example of an inclusive society. 

To celebrate the beginning of the Year of Tolerance, the Resident Assistants and the Residence Life Team at ADU’s Male and Female Dormitories prepared a welcome program to promote the values of respect and tolerance among the residents. The program gave students the opportunity to interact, express acceptance and reject discrimination. Student leaders and residents welcomed the Year of Tolerance with decorations and activities as part of their objective to promote respect for cultural diversity.

ADU Dormitories Donation Month

“Giving is the greatest act of grace.”

During this winter term, another great initiative toward the Year of Tolerance was undertaken. The ADU Resident Assistants organized a charity program among the dorm residents, collecting clothes donations that were sent to the Make a Wish Foundation, a humanitarian foundation in the UAE that grants wishes to children with critical illnesses.

The program was implemented under the concept of ‘We are born to change someone’s life, don’t ever waste it’ and provided students with a chance to make a difference, contribute to their community and to experience the satisfaction generated from developing values of giving and generosity.

Living in a Multicultural Community - Male Dorm

Tolerance is respecting, accepting and understanding individuals regardless of cultural differences. With 2019 being declared as the Year of Tolerance, our focus is directed towards learning and teaching tolerance and respect. These values, when present, help create a peaceful multicultural community.

To welcome the Year of Tolerance and spread values of respect and acceptance, Dr. Makhtar Sarr presented a session on tolerance in the dorms. The session included Dr. Makhtar’s experience and memories of living in a multicultural society. He advised the residents and brought their attention to the key aspects of living in a multicultural society. On behalf of the residents, we would like to thank Dr. Makhtar Sarr for his support and commitment.

So You Can Dance - Female Dorm

Understanding and respecting other cultures is a big part of becoming a tolerant person.  With more than 7500 students and over 82 different nationalities on ADU’s campus, the dorms are home to a variety of cultures each with its own traditions and costumes. The student leaders and Residence Life team at the Female Dorm arranged a friendly dance competition entitled ‘So You Can Dance!’ where female participants got to explore diverse cultural performances, costumes, and new music tastes relating to different countries. It was an enjoyable evening not only for the participants but also for the audience who cheered them on as they watched the performances.

Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival Trip - Female Dorm

As part of welcoming the Year of Tolerance, the Resident Assistants and the Dormitory Council members took the initiative to arrange a trip to the Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival. The female dorm residents visited the festival in Alwathba along with their Residence Life Coordinators.

The festival was held to celebrate the spirit of the union, preserve the heritage of the UAE and that of global civilizations. This year, the festival reflected Sheikh Zayed’s vision of promoting a unified culture of tolerance all over the world by adding a zone called ‘The World in the UAE’ that showcased global landmarks. It exhibited UAE landmarks, global wonders, Alwathba Gourmet, Kids Nation and various stalls themed based on the country each of them represented. The trip was an enriching experience for the dorm residents who explored different customs, traditions, food, and dances.

Global Village Trip - Male Dorm

During the winter term, the Male Dormitory Council members and the Residence Life Team worked on arranging a trip to Global Village in Dubai. A bus was arranged for the trip and there was a rush of excitement throughout the journey.  The Global village is a multi-cultural festival park that combines around 27 different pavilions, each representing a country. The park also shows performances and concerts by famous celebrities and cultural bands. Students had the opportunity to explore different cultures and bought various items from different stalls. It was a memorable trip for the ADU male residents.

Revamp of the TV and Recreation Rooms - Male Dorm

January 2019 was a month filled with excitement for the Male Dorm residents, Student Leaders and support team due to the opening of the new TV and recreation rooms. Thanks to the efforts of Eng. Mohamed Moiz and his team, the newly revamped rooms were ready before the beginning of the term. The Housing and Residence Life Team cooperated with Student Affairs staff in the arrangement of  this great event.

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