
A thought leader with over 27 years of experience in the education sector, Dr. Aishah Al Yammahi has been recognized among the 51 Emirati Women Achievers for her contributions to innovation in the UAE and for paving the way for future generations of inspiring women. Dr. Al Yammahi currently serves as the Board Advisor for Alef Education, a leading EdTech company in the UAE. Dr. Al Yammahi earned her Doctorate degree in Education following in-depth research culminating in a published paper titled "Exploring the Influence of AI-Powered Digital Educational Platforms on Student Learning and Teaching Methods in Abu Dhabi Schools."

Dr. Aishah has held many roles in education in the public and private sectors, including the UAE Ministry of Education, where she oversaw the rollout of the Alef Education learning platform across public schools in Abu Dhabi. Dr. Aishah also worked as the Director of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science at UNESCO, where she had exposure to many different education systems worldwide. As part of the social role that Dr. Al Yammahi deems a responsibility, she launched a successful social media campaign to cover topics related to education, AI and technology, and leadership. Her insightful contributions have been widely acknowledged, and she continues to be a leading voice in the field.

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