Updates from College of Health Sciences

ADU has put into place all the preventive measures advised by the UAE authorities to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. All necessary precautions to protect students, staff, faculty, and the wider community are being implemented, and we will continue to monitor the latest developments and update this page as necessary.

Reflections on COVID-19

An Academic Researcher’s Perspective

While humankind has survived devastating wars and natural disasters over the centuries, the social isolation and shutdown that people are currently experiencing worldwide are unprecedented. The turmoil caused by the COVID-19 outbreak raises many questions and is generating a lot of distress. The situation is further aggravated by the difficulty in finding relevant and reliable information and the conflicting statements of government agencies and professional organizations.

In line with the mission of the College of Health Sciences to provide education, research, and services to the community, we established the Media and Communication Committee (MCC). One of its main aims in the current COVID-19 crisis is to provide up-to-date, scientifically sound and validated facts endorsed by key health authorities on the continuing development of the COVID-19. These include the Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as research reports published in high impact factor professional journals.

In addition to continuously providing updates on the spread of COVID-19 and its implications for humans and the economy, members of the MCC will carefully screen all reports and studies from different regions of the world for accuracy and reliability. We aim to educate our community by providing information that will enable them to build resilience and a level of optimism that will help keep themselves and their loved ones safe.


Luciana Campos Baltatu, Ph.D.
College of Health Sciences, Abu Dhabi University

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